C H A P T E R 16

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•Joey's POV•

i think i'm starting to gain some feelings for isabella...

this is how it happened: so by the end of the third show, the manager decided to add supporters. at first, i was not okay with it cause this is a boys tour, not a girls tour. plus they might take pictures of us and stuff. but something about isabella caught my attention, she was beautiful. but not as beautiful as jasmine, that's for sure. so, isabella and i started talking and exchanged numbers. whenever we weren't around each other, we would text or call. i know jasmine has been calling me a lot, but i just don't wanna talk to her. i still love her. but i just need some space and i need to think. i never planned to have feelings for isabella, but they just happened. i can't control it.

i don't know what to do

by now we already on our 6th show and bella and i have only gotten closer. i feel like i've known her my whole life. jasmine and i are drifting apart and it's my fault, but i just don't wanna be with her, at least not now

we were all currently in the tour bus. our next stop was atlanta.

i was sitting alone hearing some music and looking out the window. isabella came running to me. she sat down next to me

"hey joey" she said smiling.

that smile

"hey bella" i said smiling back

"watcha doing ?" she asked

"just listening to music" i said and showed her the song i was listening to

"oh that's cool. wanna watch a movie. i have my lap top" she asked smirking

"okay !" i said laughing a little

she took out her laptop from her bag and opened the netflix app

she cuddled up against me. i was a little uncomfortable but i shook it off. i did it want to be mean so i didn't tell her to get off.

charles walked past us and shook his head when he saw us. i gave him a glare. he sat next to aaron. i saw charles talk to him. aaron looked at us after charles stopped talking and shook his head as well. i rolled my eyes.

i slowly drifted off to sleep


i woke up and saw isabella sleeping. she was still cuddling with me. i slowly took her head off. i took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time


i don't know if jasmine was asleep or not, but i texted her anyways

Jas 💍

hey babe


how are u

i'm fine

something's up with her

what's wrong. you don't sound fine

oh i don't know. maybe it's because you haven't answered any of my calls and left me on seen. but hey, it's okay. go talk to isabella. i'm sure you would rather talk to her than me

jasmine i'm sorry. i've just been really busy

but you could at least tell me that you're busy or you're tired. it hurts to be left on seen and be ignored by a person you love.

i know. i'm sorry.

im sorry that i've literally been dead for a long time lmao. school is just getting me really busy lately. but i'm gonna try to update more bbygrills ;))

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