C H A P T E R 31

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jasmines pov

today's the day of the chicago show. i cant wait to see hunter and all my beautiful supporters

i get up quickly from my bed & head to my suitcase. after i grab my clothes i go into the bathroom to fix my appearance

after an hour, i get out. sophia's already done & is watching netflix

"luna's meeting us at the venue" sophia says looking up at me

"okay, cool" i say

"we should leave in about 30 minutes" sophia says, she's texting someone

"okay, who are ya texting?" i ask & start to head over to her

"char" sophia quietly says

"awh, you guys are so adorable" i say smiling

"shut up bitch" sophia laughs


sophia and i get to the venue and we see luna and hunter talking & laughing

we hop out of the car and run towards them

i literally tackle luna with a hug and we fall

"i missed you bae" luna says with a big huge smile

"i missed you too, luna tuna" i joke

we all laugh at my joke

i walk up to hunter and hug him

"hey jas, long time no see" hunter says

"yea haha" i awkwardly laugh

ive been pretty awkward with hunter after what happened

soon after, a bus pulls up. we see joey and charles and some other boys come out. they're all yelling and jumping


i laugh at my thought

"hunter, why weren't you with them?" i ask with a lot of curiosity

"oh, luna had asked me if i wanted to ride with her" he says and points at luna

i just nod in response

joeys back is turned to me, so i sneak up to him and hug him from behind

i startled him at first but then he turns around and hugs me back

"nice to see you again, loser" he says

"nice to see you too, sir" i say back

we let go of the hug and walk inside the venue

"okay guys, so the boys are gonna line up here" the manager points to the left

"and girls are gonna stand here" then she points to the right

we all nod

"the shows starting in 1 hour, so get ready" the manager says and then leaves to another room

joey and charles set up the speakers to put the music while luna and i look for a good spotify playlist

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