C H A P T E R 29

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jasmine's POV

after a few rides, we got pretty hungry, so we're eating at a little restaurant that was in the amusement park

joey sneaks his hand near my cheese fries since i'm distracted cause of how much i'm talking to luna, but i see his hand & smack it

"don't touch my fries, bitch" i say with some sass

"ooo girl" luna says & puts her hands up in awh

joey & i laugh & look at each other. we just stare into each others eyes, his are so beautiful. they're like a mixture of brown & green. i get lost in them, but i soon come back to reality.

i glance at hunter & he looks pretty mad

"hey hunter, are you okay?" i ask

"actually, can i talk to you?" hunter asks me

"uh, yea" i get up from my seat. joey smiles at me

hunter & i walk over to a little corner

"what's wrong"

"jasmine, i like you. like a lot. it's not just some dumb crush. i think i, actually love you. & i know you're trying to put me up with luna, & i like luna, but i love you jasmine. i can never get you off my mind, you're so beautiful & i you deserve someone better than joey" hunter says & grabs my hand. he looks serious & innocent, it's actually pretty adorable

"hunter, i like you too, but i love joey. plus i wouldn't want to ruin our friendship if we were to break up, i love he bond we have, as friends. i'm sorry" i say sincerely, but he let's go of my hand & walks away

he get out of the restaurant & leaves

i run after him. joey & luna see us & soon follow

the three of us chase after hunter but we lose him.

i pull out my phone from my bag & immediately call hunter but it goes straight to voice mail

"sorry but i'm a big boy & big boys are always busy, call me later"


"guys, he isn't picking up" i say nervously

i'm starting to get frustrated

"here, how about we call an uber to take us back to the hotel, then we'll go to hunters room & see if he's there" joey suggests

"okay" i sigh

"hey jas, it's gonna be okay, hunters fine" luna says half smiling


we're at the hotel. we run as far as we can to hunters room, we actually take the stares since the elevators would take too long

we get to hunters room & knock on the door. he doesn't answer

luna starts to dial his number while joey & i try to open the door

"fuck" luna whispers

i pull out my phone & go to youtube. i search up how to unlock a door with a bobby pin since i have a dozen of hide in my bag

i right away click the first video is see

i grab a bobby pin from my back & kneel down

"move guys" i say irritated

after a while of trying to unlock it, it finally worked

"wow, good job jasmine" joey smiles

"nows not the time joseph" i rudely say

i walk in the room & see hunter laying down on his bed. he's awake, but not doing anything. he's just staring at the ceiling

i walk towards him & slightly shake him

"hunter, can we please talk" i ask

"about what jasmine" he says with no tone in his voice, no happiness like it usually does

"about what happened" i say

i sit down on the bed so that he would know that i wouldn't leave until he said yes

i look at joey & luna, they nod & leave the room

"fine" he sighs & sits up on the bed

"what happened hunter, why did you do that?" i ask

"i was worried you know"

"i'm sorry, i just couldn't handle knowing that you still love joey" hunter says & looks down at the floor

"i'm sorry hunter, i can't control what i feel for him. it's not that easy, but i wish it was" i say

"i won't be able to get over you" hunter looks at me

"but for now, you'll have to." i say sadly

hunter just sighs

"look hunter, if you really do love me, then please let me be happy. i'm the happiest when i'm with joey, he really does make me happy. but so do you, & i would be really extremely happy if you weren't mad at me" i say & grab his hand

"i never said i was mad" hunter says & squeezes my hand tightly

"thank you for understanding hunter. it means a lot" i smile

i pull him in for a tight hug. we let go & smile at each other

"well, i'm gonna head to my room & pick out my outfit for tomorrow's show" i say & get up

"okay, see ya jas" hunter smiles

"bye hunter" i smile back

i get out of the room & close the door

i see joey standing next to me

"so, i heard you love me" joey smirks

i smack him in the arm

"ow" joey says & rubs his arm

"oh my god, you wish" i say & start walking to my room

joey walks in front of me & turns to me

he grabs both of my hands

"hey, i love you too" he says, he looks deep into my eyes

we slowly lean in for a kiss. our lips soon attach to each other. i feel fireworks explode in my stomach. we slowly start to pull away for air

joey sticks out his hand

"come on, let's go to your room" he smiles

i intertwine my hand with his & we head to my room


i met joey yesterday & i miss him sm :,(

i'm officially emo

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