C H A P T E R 7

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~Joey's pov~

I was deciding wether to take Loren out to get ice cream or just stay home

Well if you stay home, Loren will get a little dirty with you

You know what, lets just get ice cream

I heard the doorbell ring

I walked to the door, and Loren was standing there. Looking beautiful like always

Not as beautiful as Jasmine

Why do I keep thinking of Jasmine ?

"Hey baby" Loren said grinning

"Hey Loren, come in" I said

I think now would be a good time to ask her

"Um Loren.." I said

"Yes ?" Loren asked keeping eye contact with me

"Would you like to be my girlfriend ?" I asked with confidence

"Of course !" She said jumping with joy

"Okay, let's get ice cream" I said grabbing her by the waist

"Okay" Loren whispered

"But first this" she smirked grabbing me by my shirt

She kisses me, roughly

I didn't feel any butterfly's tho

Weird. I always feel them when I talk to Jasmine

I ignored it and we walked out the door and walked to the ice cream shop that was only a couple blocks away.

~Jasmine's pov~

I was laying down in bed watching Netflix.

I was already prepared to go with hunter.


I looked over to my phone and checked the caller id

It was hunter. I instantly smiled

(Hunter- bold)

"Hey beautiful. Are you ready ?" Hunter asked

"Yea I'm ready" I said with a tiny smile

"Okay, I'll I'm be there in 5 minutes" hunter said

"Okay. See you then" I said

"Bye" hunter said. I could tell he was a little nervous

I hung up. I grabbed my mini backpack and put all my necessities in there.

I unplugged my phone from the charger and headed downstairs. Luckily Ethan and Grayson weren't home, they had a football game, and my dad of course had a job to attend to.


That must be hunter

I walked out the door and saw him

He flashed his million dollar smile. I smiled at him while I walked to his car

"Hey beautiful. How are you ?" Hunter asked while looking at me.

"I'm good, you ?" I asked while putting on my seatbelt

"I'm good" he said while looking at the road

I looked out the window. I felt hunters eyes on me. I looked at him

"What ?" I asked blushing

"You're so beautiful. Did you know that ?" He asked smiling

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