C H A P T E R 23

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~joey's POV~

isabella was running towards me. she was wearing a bright pink bikini that showed off most part of her boobs.

i saw isabella glance at me. i grabbed her hand tightly to reassure her that everything was fine.

isabella approached luna first which was very surprising

"bitch" isabella said then slapped luna

i could hear gasps coming out of everyone's mouths

luna looked at isabella. she looked pissed

not too long after, she grabbed isabella by the hair & pulled her down to the ground

jasmine quickly pulled luna back as i tried to get isabella


isabella rolled her eyes

"stupid bitch" she muttered

"the fuck did you just say ?" jasmine asked

"don't ever get near luna or any of my friends unless you wanna get your stupid ass beat"

i've never seen jasmine this mad. it was honestly kinda hot

isabella just stared at jasmine

she then did something that i wish never happened

~jasmine's POV~

isabella pulled joey & kissed him

the sad thing was, he kissed back

i ran & didn't look back

i didn't even know where i was going. i just ran


i didn't run that long since i got tired pretty quick. i saw this lemonade shop & went in. i ordered an ice cold lemonade & sat at a small table.

i started scrolling through twitter

joey birlem
i'm so stupid
147 retweets 523 likes

@wickedbirlem: lmao what did you do this time joseph

@jasmine.dOlan: you better have not done something to jasmine

@birlemschodes: oUFF

you're really stupid joey

he broke my heart. again.

i gotta stop loving & holding on to him, but, i can't

that kid has me under some kind of spell & i can't get out of it.

i don't know what to do

"uh jasmine are you okay ?"

i shook my head. i guess i blanked out

i looked at the person in front of me

it was, to my surprise, hunter

"hunter ? what are you doing here ?" i asked getting up from my chair to hug him

he moved a bit away so that i wouldn't even touch him. it was a bit awkward

he just coughed & sat down on the chair across from mine

i slowly sat back down

now it was really awkward

"so, um, how've you been ?" i asked trying my best to break the awkwardness

"i've just been around. not doing much. you ?" he asked looking down at his hands

"not much either" i said

"are you & joey still dating ?" he asked quickly

"i'm not so sure anymore"

i felt tears forming

"hey jasmine, are you okay ?" hunter asked pretty concerned

"yea yea i'm fine sorry" i said wiping the tears in my eyes

"i'm sorry i haven't called you.." hunter said

"hunter it's okay. we're here now, hanging out so i'm perfectly fine" i said with a small smile

"ok, what did joey do this time ?" hunter asked

"he kissed isabella"

"in front of me" i said looking deep into his beautiful eyes that i always get lost in

"stupid bitch" hunter whispered

i could tell he was getting mad

"hunter it's okay. don't worry about it" i said grabbing his hand to calm him down. it somehow worked

"let's go to the carnival" hunter said

"let's keep your mind off of things"

"okay" i sad smiling

we both got out of our chairs & we went walking to the fair

i could stop thinking about joey & isabella while i was walking

i hope going to the fair keeps my mind off of things


i met tayler on 12/3 & i miss him sm bye

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