C H A P T E R 25

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~joey's POV~

"hi this is jasmine, i'm sorry i can't talk right now but leave a message after the beeeep"

hearing jasmines little laugh at the end kills me

i've officially killed our relationship & we go back on tour tomorrow which means i won't have any time to fix it

"bro your plan sucks ass" i told charles, sighing in frustration

you see, charles plan was to call jasmine until she got so annoyed that she would pick up & give me a chance to explain myself, but it's not working out. obviously.

"what, i see it in movies all the time & it always works" charles said confused

"charles ! we're not in a fucking movie !" i yelled getting angry

"bro chill" charles said putting his hands on my shoulders

"how the fuck am i supposed to chill when the girl i love is ignoring me" i said & aggressively pushed charles hands off my shoulders

"you shouldn't have kissed isabella" charles shrugged

"you know what, get out. get the fuck out of my house"

"what ? why ?" charles asked not moving

"you heard me. get your ass out of my house you scum"

he would move so i had to push him out

"what the fuck joey !? get off me" charles said & pushed me off

i got triggered & punched charles in the face

scott and bella were home so they pulled us back before we did anything stupider

"charles i think it's best if you leave" bella said helping him get up since he was on the floor, bleeding

"bella get him an ice pack" scott said struggling to hold me since i kept trying to get out of his arms

"joey stop" scott said

i could tell i was testing his patience so i stoped before he kicked my ass

bella came back with an ice pack & gave it to charles

"come on. i'll walk you out" bella said grabbing charles

"don't ever speak to me again birlem" charles said looking me dead in the eyes

great you messed up another great thing in your life joseph


it's been about 2 hours since i punches charles.

my mom had a talk with me about self control

i wasn't even paying attention though, all i could think about was jasmine

so, instead of being sad & thinking about her, i'm gonna pack for tour

you're gonna have a great time on your & everything's gonna be fine joey. don't worry

i finished after 20 minutes

i got on instagram to follow some supporters since i haven't really been active

@hunterrowland: all smiles w this one :)tagged/ @jasminedolancomments:lovierowland: omg are y'all datingmusershaderoom: oopbrandonrowland: i ship 🙊10inchhenry: parentshappyjasmine: og ship :,))jasminedolan: love youuublakegray: ooo get some hunter

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@hunterrowland: all smiles w this one :)
tagged/ @jasminedolan
lovierowland: omg are y'all dating
musershaderoom: oop
brandonrowland: i ship 🙊
10inchhenry: parents
happyjasmine: og ship :,))
jasminedolan: love youuu
blakegray: ooo get some hunter

i started getting mad. but i don't know why

jasmines happy with hunter

hunters happy with jasmine

i couldn't give jasmine all this happiness but when i did, i took it away

to clear my thoughts i decided to go out for walk. i didn't have anything to do anyways

i changed into some basketball shorts & a tank top

i grabbed my phone & my ear phones


after about 15 minutes of walking i saw isabella on her phone

she was wearing a really short dress & her hair was down covering most of her face

i'm not gonna lie, isabella is beautiful, but she's not jasmine

jasmine is gorgeous inside & out

i cut my walk short & started walking back to my house

but just to my luck, isabella saw me & ran to me

"joey !" isabella yelled & hugged me

i dodged the hug & ignored her

"joeyyy, don't be rude" isabella pouted

"leave me alone, isabella" i said

"why are you so grumpy today sir" isabella asked, trying to wrap her arm around mine

so not smooth

i couldn't take anymore of this so i ran all the way home

"JOEY DONT LEAVE ME !" isabella screamed & started running to me

all isabella wears on her feet are high heels so she couldn't catch up to me when she ran

god, when is that girl gonna buy a pear of sneakers

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