C H A P T E R 27

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~joey's POV~

i'm looking through my suitcase to see if i have a swim suit

"shit" i mutter

charles comes in to the room. perfect timing

oh & if you're wondering, charles & i did make up. we figured since we were gonna see each other anyways on tour, we would just stop this fight we had. were best pals again :)

"hey bro, do you have a swim suit ?" i ask

"yea, for what?" he says & pull out his swim suit from his suit case

"i'm going to the beach with jasmine"

"ooo, can i join?" he says enthusiastically

"bro, no" i say & shake my head

"so, i'm assuming you guys made up" charles says & plops down on the bed

"yea, but we're not dating. just friends. i just have to regain her trust back" i say & walk into the bathroom to change

"that's good" charles yells

yea, it's more than good


"hey jojo" jasmine says running up to me

she looks hot in her bikini

"hey jas, how are you?" i ask & grab her hand

she awkwardly pull her hand away & scratches her arm as if it were actually itchy

"uh, i've been pretty good, how about you?" she asks

"ive been good i guess" i say

"that's good"

it's awkward again. it's always awkward with her now. i hate it.

"let's have a race. first to reach that tree over there wins" she says smiling while pointing over to a big palm tree

"ok, don't get mad if i win" i say & wink

"don't get cocky birlem"

we run all the way to the tree. jasmines actually pretty fast so it was quite a challenge, but i obviously won

"you cheated" jasmine pouted like a little kid

"this is rigged"

i laugh & soon she starts laughing too

"i missed you jas" i say. i honestly did. i missed her cute little laugh & the late night calls we would have. i missed how things were back then

"i missed you too hoeseph" she smiled

hoeseph. i missed that

"let's go swim" jasmine says


jasmine soon gets tired & hungry.

"let's go get some ice cream" jasmine says

"okay" i smile. i can never say no to her

"yay" jasmine says & smiles like a little kid

that damn smile

we walk inside the ice cream shop

"hi, can i get 2 chocolate ice creams please" jasmine asks & begins to pull her money out of her backpack that she had

"i'll pay" i say

"no, fuck off" she says & pays

"sorry, i just didn't want you to pay" she says with a devilish smile

"next time i'm paying" i say & cross my arms

"i doubt that" jasmine says & winks

we get our ice cream & walk back to the hotel

"so, for these last few shows we're all gonna be together?" jasmine asks

"yea, our manager said that it would be better"

"it's gonna be hella packed" jasmine said & continued licking her ice cream

i laugh at her expression

we continue talking & telling old stories, just like the old times

i really do love jasmine


2 updates in one day ;))

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