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~Jasmine's pov~

It's been a week since the ice cream incident

My feelings for hunter have only gotten stronger, which means my feelings for Joey are slowly fading away

Joey and I don't really talk anymore. We only comment and like each others photos, sometimes.

I'm pretty sure Joey knew that I liked him, so I'm just gonna show that I don't, anymore

I'm pretty sure Joey knew that I liked him, so I'm just gonna show that I don't, anymore

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@jasminedolan: your loss pretty boy
Jasminesbabes: slay
Jas.birlem: @joey ??
Hunterrowland: 😍😍
Majesticdolan: my fav Dolan
Dolansh00k: Loren beech who ??
Loren: 🙄🤢
Lunablaise: kys
Sophiabbirlem: check dms 💋

As you could see, Loren and I aren't on the greatest terms anymore

After she started dating Joey, she just stopped taking to me, she blocked my number, blocked me on her Instagram and started commenting mean things on my posts. I'm pretty sure y'all are wondering, why not just block her ? I just want to show that I'm strong and that her comments don't affect me. But Luna's sometimes do

I noticed Sophia, joeys sister, told me to check dms. I've never talked to Sophia, I've only seen some of her posts, she looks really nice and pretty


@sophiabbirlem: hey you're pretty, much prettier than Loren. I don't even know why joeys dating her

They're dating ?!

They're dating ?

@sophiabbirlem: yea, I though you knew. Loren posted in on her insta

No, she blocked me

@sophiabbirlem: oh, I think joeys gonna post about it sometime this week but idk.


@sophiabbirlem: hey ! Wanna come over to my house ?

Um, is joey there ?

@sophiabbirlem: no

Ok I'll go, what time ?

@sophiabbirlem: in 20 minutes ?

Sure what's your address ?

@sophiabbirlem: *insert random address*

Ok see ya in a few

@sophiabbirlem: okay


I started getting ready since I was still in my pj's

After I was done, I scrolled through Instagram cause why not

After I was done, I scrolled through Instagram cause why not

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@joeybirlem: Issa forever thing @loren
Joeys.cuties: Jasmine ???
Admiringbirlem: cuties
Joeyschode: what happened to Luna tuna ??
Loren: love youuuuuuu
Jasminedolan: oh.
Birlemsnaps: ^ 🐸☕️
Kawaii.joey: @musershaderoom

I decided to comment that cause I was shook. I still do have some feelings for joey, I just feel hurt.


*few minutes later*

I decided that it was time to go to Sophia's house. As I was about to walk out the door, Grayson stopped me. Luckily Grayson was less over protective than Ethan, that means he won't ask too many questions

"Where are you going" Grayson asked while crossing his arms

"To my friends house" I say rolling my eyes

"What friend ?" Grayson asks

"Sophia" I say frustrated

"Okay go. Bye and please be careful" he said moving away from the door

"I'll try" i mumbled

"What was that ?" Grayson asked

"UGH NOTHING" I yelled waking out he door

I hate brothers


I got to Sophia's house. It was only a short walk to her house.

I walked up to the door and rang the bell

After a few minutes of waiting, someone finally opened the door

Sorry I couldn't update over the weekend, I was super busy. I don't think I'll be able to update on weekends since I'm always busy. But cliffhanger ;)) who do y'all think it is ?

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