C H A P T E R 14

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~Jasmine's POV~

joey had gone home. i was all alone since my dad was still at work and the twins were out eating.

*ring ring*

my phone started ringing. i looked at the caller id, it was an unknown number

i wonder who that is

i picked up the phone. it was a lady

"hello, this is the manager for the boys of summer tour. i would like to ask you if you could join a new tour i'm starting that's called girls of summer. would you care to join ?" the manager asked

"um heck yea" i said happily

"what girls are going ?"

"girls such as babyariel, arii, loren beech and luna blaise. there'll be more girls as well" the manager said

i froze when i heard lorens name. but i'm not gonna let her ruin this for me.

"okay i'll join. when does tour start ? and will we be joining the boys for some shows ?" i asked

"next week, so you better start packing and yes" she said

"okay, thank you" i said

"bye bye" she said

"bye" i said and hung up

i called luna and asked her if she was going on tour, and she said yes ! i also called sophia and she also said yes. i'm glad my best friends are going

i wanted to call Joey to tell him i'm going on tour, but i decided not to so that i could surprise him at one of the shows


~The day joey leaves~

i called joey to ask if i could go to the airport with him. he answered after the third ring

"what took you so long you sexy beast ?" i asked smiling

"sorry i was taking a shower" he said. i could tell he was smiling

"oh okay. can i come with you to drop you off at the airport ?" i asked

"yes of course" he said almost yelling

"okay" i said laughing

"i'll pick you up" he said

"i have to get changed, i'll text you when i'm outside" he said

"okay bye" i said hanging up

i had clothes on and everything. to kill time i decided to text hunter

hunner 👽 (his name in her contacts)
(bold- hunter)

hey hunter !

oh hey jasmine

are you also going on tour ?

yes i am :)

oh that's cool. well i have some news for you

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