Anything For You, Milady (Jakob)

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Requested by Robynfeather


I'm honestly surprised I haven't written about our Lovable Butler yet.

I mean... C'mon, it's JAKOB!

He's like, wonderfully Psychotic!


The Definition of Loyalty is hard to live up to. Very few have even had a Slight Hope of being the Most Loyal to their Friends, Country, or Cause.

In our Cause, a Young Man by the Name of Jakob was Loyal not to his Country. He was Loyal not to his Mother and Father. Not even the Great King of Nohr, Garon, or his Children. He was Loyal to nobody in Hoshido, not a Single Person in the Countryside.

He was Loyal to his One and Only Mistress, Lady (Y/n).

And he would jump through the Pits of Hell to bring her whatever she desired. He would murder an Entire Opposing Army if Lady (Y/n) demanded it.

If Lady (Y/n) commanded him to murder an Innocent Soul, he would with absolutely no hesitation.

His Loyalty to her was Deep, ingrained into his very Soul and Being. Long ago, when Homelessness threatened him, the Thought of being thrown onto the Street plaguing his mind every night, she approached him. Her intentions were pure, she was simply looking for some company and another face to talk to. After their Conversation, which stretched on for hours, Jakob knew what he wanted in that exact moment.

To be by her side at all times, to protect her from all threats, be them Small, Meaningless ones, or Menacing, Powerful Threats.

He wanted to be with her.

Day and Night, he trained. Day and Night, he studied. Day and Night, he was right there for her if she even muttered his name.

All of this helped him to become the Deadly, seemingly Heartless Butler to Lady (Y/n) that he is today. However, in (Y/n)'s Eyes, he was so kind and charming, the best and most perfect Retainer and Friend that anyone could ever ask for. She was eternally grateful towards him for pledging his service towards her, eternally grateful towards him for providing much-needed Company for her during all that time, locked away in that Old, Decrepid Fortress.

And she was eternally grateful that he made the Best Tea that anyone has ever tasted, the Herbal Drinks able to calm her nerves instantaneously from a Single Sip.

You sighed, leaning back against the Tall, Oak, Velvety Chair that was surrounded by Mountains upon Mountains of Dusty, Smooth Books within Dark Brown Shelves that were polished to perfection. Piles of Papers and Open Books lied in front of you, each consisting of Work that was your Studies. A Simple White Owl Feather that had been turned into a Quill dipped in Black Ink sitting in an Ink Bottle nearby, resting from its previous use. You looked outside.

The Dark, Late Night Skies of Nohr stared back at you.

Blinking slowly a few times, you felt Exhaustions Slim, Convincing Fingers gripping around your conscience. Your eyes started to drift closed, and you felt the Inky Darkness of Sleep pulling you into its near-escapable grasp. Your head began to droop forward...

With a Shaky Gasp, you sat up completely straight, your Eyes that showed clear signs of Sleep Deprivation wide open in an Attempt to stay Awake. Blinking a few times in hopes of warding off sleep, you let out a small sigh and stood up.

As much as you didn't like bothering Jakob this late at night, you desperately needed some of his Tea. Maybe he would still be awake...

Treading through the Carpeted Halls of the Old, Secluded Fortress that was your Home, your bare feet made no noise as you quickly jogged through the Dark Halls, the only source of light to guide you was a Candle that previously illuminated your Work that you had taken off your desk. Your Smooth, (F/c), Decorative Silk Dress gently grazed against your Smooth Legs as you walked, and your (H/c) Hair was let down, the Loose, Silky Strands dancing across your Cheeks as you moved. Your Bright, (E/c) Eyes moved swiftly as you looked in each room you went by, but being careful to not wake any of the Servants as you passed by their rooms.

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