Cloak (Dimitri)

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AAAND here comes my self-indulgence (againimsosorry) along with some awesome news!

I am SUPER excited (and a lil' proud!) to finally say that I am taking requests for Fire Emblem; Three Houses Characters!!!

YES, after I said they would be added to the list of requestable characters so long ago, it's finally happening!

I have beaten both the Golden Deer and Blue Lion Routes, so requests for those characters are completely safe to do! I'm really close to being done with the Crimson Flower Path of the Black Eagles, so I'll just go ahead and say that it's safe to request from that route too! The only route that you can't request from is the DLC Route, which introduces the Ashen Wolves, and that's only because I don't have the DLC and cannot play it. Yes, it makes me sad too.

Along with this news comes a brand new cover for the book (cause it was a bit outdated, let's be real here) and a kickstart to this with my favorite houseleader, Dimitri! From the moment I saw this game, his character on the box art stood out to me the most (next to Claude, but how can a man with a bow defying the laws of physics not catch someone's eye), and his Story Route just helped to make me adore him even more.

I can say with absolute confidence that I am 110% certified Dimitri Trash & I am proud of that shiz. Also, I suppose this goes without saying, but this one-shot contains some minor spoilers for the Blue Lion Route of Fire Emblem; Three Houses! You have been warned!

I hope you're all as excited about these new options for one-shots as I am! Now, without further ado, let's get in some Blue Lion Prince Action!


 "I... see. Thank you for bringing this to me, Ingrid. You're free to leave."

"Of course, Your Majesty. If you need me for anything else, please let me know."

Ingrid bowed to Dimitri before turning on her heel and walking off down the walkway that went alongside the pond, turning right once she reached the end next to some stairs and heading for the Dining Hall.

Dimitri let out a sigh as he looked at the papers in his hands with a tired gaze. Though he was used to the weekly reports he received from the old Alliance Territories of their constant bickering and all the old dust they were kicking up in their disputes, this was the first he'd ever heard of one of them filing a report over a sort of 'complaint' they had over an Imperial Noble. Which... seemed like a small thing, but with how long the two had been going on about this in person outside of the reports, it was nothing short of tiring. Though the war has long since been over, Dimitri honestly missed Claude ruling over the Alliance, sometimes, and he did wonder how Edelgard kept the Imperial Nobles on such a tight leash when she was still alive. Even in the midst of a war that ravaged the entirety of Fódlan, they somehow managed to keep the Lords and Nobles in line for five long years, while Dimitri could barely keep them organized for half a year without them losing their minds over each other, nonetheless.

Or... maybe Claude and Edelgard were just as bad at keeping them in line as Dimitri was, and they were just better at hiding it. Knowing Claude and his wits alongside Edelgard and her steel determination, that was just as much of a possibility.

Dimitri groaned to himself as he began reluctantly reading the papers in his hands and slowly walking alongside the edge of the pond. The situation between Houses Gloucester and Aegir was... getting a bit iffy, to put it nicely, not quite to the levels of hostility, but it was mainly because of both Ferdinand and Lorenz and their 'eccentric' ideas of nobility. Not that either of them entirely disagreed with each other, they actually got along rather well, it was more like they were trying to 'out-noble' each other, which Dimitri didn't even think was possible, while simutaneously earning the favor of the Archbishop, which he was sure exhausted Byleth just as much as it exhausted him. The extravagancies were over the top, and if one threw a party to celebrate the newfound peace of Fódlan, another was throwing another right inside the walls of Garreg Mach to celebrate the joy that was the new head and archbishop of the Church of Seiros.

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