Working Too Hard (Kaze)

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This one was requested by LegendaryWolfofMusic!

Now YOU, Dear Reader, are going to be a Witch Class in this One-Shot!

Nooowwww, I don't have much else to say in the beginning of this One-Shot, SO LETS GOOO!


A Small, yet irritating bead of Sweat formed on the Green Haired Ninjas Forehead.

With a heavy, exhaustion-filled sigh, Kaze simply wiped his forehead and got to work on the Potatoes he was peeling for Mozu once again, mentally preparing himself for the Hours and Hours of Work he still had to do before the sun set for the evening, cursing himself for being exhausted already this early in the day.

Placing down the Peeling Knife he was previously working with, he dipped the Now-Peeled Potato into a River of Clean Water in front of him, effectively rinsing off the Tuberous Crop. Placing it into a Nearby Wooden Bowl with a Group of other Peeled and Cleaned Potatoes, he picked up the Peeling Knife once again and reached for the Pile of Potatoes in a Basket near him, hoping to grab one and continue working...

But, the Entire Basket simply picked up all on its own and began floating away from Kaze at a slow, yet steady pace. The Young Ninja wasn't even surprised. He simply let out a soft sigh and let his arms relax at his sides.

"(Y/n). I can't peel those when you're taking them away from me."

In the Blink of an Eye, (Y/n) was visible to the Ninja, and she had a simple Grin on her face, with the Basket of Potatoes under one arm.

"You're right. YOU can't. But..."

The Peeling Knife was forcefully tugged from Kaze's Hand, and due to his exhaustion, he didn't even have the Strength to hold onto the Sharp Object to prevent it from being taken away. As soon as the Knife was in her hand, her grin grew, and she sent a Wink in Kaze's Direction.

"With THIS, I can peel them for you."

With a Sigh, Kaze hung his head. "At least let me help. Mozu wanted me to peel those for her, I don't wish to pass that onto you." She just shook her head and sat down, the Grin never leaving her features. "Nnnnope. You can help by going over there and resting under that tree. I'll finish this for you."

(Y/n) was a Stubborn Woman, which is probably why it made her such an Amazing Witch. She didn't tolerate much from other people, and she especially didn't get along with Saizo, Kaze's Twin Brother. She was always aggravating him in one way or another, and his, as she puts it, 'Bad Boy Attitude', was apparently obnoxious to her. Personally, Kaze didn't understand it, but he just had learned to ignore all of that after he witnessed one of their Silent, In-The-Form-Of-A-Glare Arguments got a bit too far one day, knowing he honestly couldn't stop the pair.

Kaze still constantly reminded himself to back away slowly when the two of them were in the same room.  

With another Heavy Sigh, Kaze simply obeyed (Y/n)'s Commands. He slowly stood to his feet, feeling himself wobble slightly because of his Exhaustion, before making his way to the Tree that (Y/n) had pointed out to him earlier. Taking a Seat, he leaned his head back against the Sturdy Trunk of the Oak Tree. He barely registered that there were absolutely no Clouds overhead, giving the Atmosphere around him a Calm, Warm Feeling before Exhaust overtook him.

One Tiny Nap wouldn't hurt...


One Bead of Sweat formed on your Forehead, and you wiped it away with a Small Sigh. All the Potatoes were Peeled and Rinsed, now all that was needed was to get them back to--

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