Girl Crush (Takumi)

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So it's like, 11 PM, I'm probably going to be writing this until 2 AM, but I'm like really sad tonight (don't ask, cause tbh, even I don't know why, I'm like spending a nice week with my mom n shit too, WHATTHEFUCK EMOTIONS), BUT I figured I'd get my sadness out with a kinda angsty story, specifically about Hanahaki Disease. This'll be my first time writing about it, so I hope I do it accurately! IDK if I'm gonna end it happily, tbh...

Look, I write these things on a whim, I do not write lil' summaries about what I want a certain chapter/story to be about, how I want it to end, I legit just sit down and write until I'm like 'k, that'll do'. I know, I'm such a great and complex author xD Also, Modern Setting! 'Cause I'm laaaazy.


Song; Girl Crush by Little Big Town.


You had always thought that Takumi was such a wonderful man. Sure, people had their opinions about him, some of them being rather cruel and rude, but you found him to be... well, fascinating, really. How he handled his emotions under pressure, how his eyes crinkled when he gave a genuine smile. His laugh, his kindness towards people he cared about, his love for his siblings... it was all so amazing and heartwarming to you, and well... maybe all of that was what drew you to the young man and made you fall so damned hard.

I got a Girl Crush

Hate to admit it, but

I got a hard rush

It's slowing down

Of course, you couldn't even bring it up to Takumi that you loved him as much as you did. Why, he was with Hana, someone you weren't really familiar with when it came to friendship, but you knew she was nice all the same. And... no. No, you couldn't do that to her. Couldn't do that to him. They were so happy together, that much was evident even to passersby.  And as much as it hurt you, knowing you couldn't have the one man that made you just ache in the best ways the way he did, it was almost torture to you... but you stuck through it. You smiled at their love, smiled and laughed alongside Hana when she told you silly stories about what Takumi had done during a game night a few nights ago, when Takumi came running up to you, practically begging you to help him get some sort of present for Hana.

I got it real bad

Want everything she has

That smile and that midnight laugh

She's giving you now

Even now, watching as Hana laughed so hard as she sat next to the love of her life, staring at him with starstruck eyes, Takumi giving such a giant grin as he stared at his older brother with beaming adoration, you couldn't imagine breaking them apart just for your own selfish needs. That wasn't like you at all, no matter how much every part of you begged otherwise. Looking outside, you remarked how quickly the colder months were creeping up on the city this year... snow would be coming soon, you were pretty positive about that.

However, a sudden, almost unbearable burning in your throat and chest made you suddenly stand up, quickly excusing yourself as everyone gave you quite the concerned looks.

I want to taste her lips

Yeah, 'cause they taste like you

I wanna drown myself

In a bottle of her perfume

You practically gripped the pure-white sink in front of you, your fingertips almost matching the color as you coughed roughly into your hand, the edges of your eyes welling up with tears as you almost fell to your knees from the pain. When the fit finally blew over and let you breathe, you pulled your hand away, not entirely paying attention at first as you stared at yourself through watery eyes in the mirror... and your heart stopped when you saw blood leaking from the corners of your mouth. Quickly looking down at your hand, you saw a singular, white flower petal in your hand, specks of blood surrounding it on your palm and littering the petal with impurities.

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