Not Again, Never Again (Lon'qu)

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Dear ghoullover,


In a freakin' fantastic mood rn, so I'm taking advantage of it ASAP by throwing this in y'alls faces and hoping you like it.

𝕀 𝕒𝕞 𝕓𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕃𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝔾𝕒𝕘𝕒 𝕣𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕞𝕖


"Why do you want to know, (Y/n)?"

Hmm. That was a bit of a complicated question.

There were a lot of things you came to understand when you joined Chrom's Shepherds.

A few of them were simple, such as Olivia's shyness, Chrom's near-inhuman strength that he often underestimated, and Henry's odd, and perhaps a bit morbid, obsession with all things involving death. Others were a bit more complicated, but understandable nonetheless, like Robin somehow managing to make Frederick eat bear meat (he honestly wasn't fooling anyone with that act), Nowi's Manakete Race, and Virion's... well, everything, really. Even if you didn't get all of it at first, you at the very least understood it, and it made you feel at home and fit in with pretty much everyone in the militia group.

Well, almost everyone.

There was one who stuck out like a sore thumb to you, though Gods know he definitely didn't mean to, and he practically stayed on your mind, stuck there like glue, since the moment you laid eyes on him. When you really thought about it, there wasn't exactly a notable reason, per se, it was just his... well, nature that hooked onto you like a leech and absolutely refused to let go.

Lon'qu, a warrior technically "gifted" to Chrom and his army by the West-Khan of Regna Ferox, Basilio, was nothing short of an enigma to you. His stoic, almost reserved personality, his undeniable skill with a blade, his determination and lethal grace on the battlefield. When you first were acquainted with him, you didn't get any information. Just a brief moment of "Hey, this is Lon'qu, Lon'qu this is (Y/n), right now back to business--", and that one moment gave you a firm admiration of the man.

And that's what it started as. A decent, shown from very far away, admiration for him. Had you any more self-restraint, you would've more than likely been able to just keep it that way.

But no... it just had to evolve into a crush, didn't it?

You still had no idea how it escalated to that level. It was like you just blinked and suddenly you were swooning over him. Maybe it was the hair? His standoffish nature? Or those molten brown eyes that turned gold under the proper--

Regardless, it just happened, and now you were dealing with this... predicament. The predicament being the sole fact that you couldn't do anything about it due to his near-crippling phobia of your entire gender. Why he was so afraid of not just you, but your entire sex as a whole was something you were almost positive you would never understand. What were you gonna do, just waltz up and ask him why he was so afraid of you? Risk him bolting and never looking in your general direction again?

Yeah, fat chance you were even going to risk that.

So what were you going to do? That question kept bouncing in your head at every waking hour. It wasn't enough to cause a distraction while you worked, you had a clearer head than that, but it was also eating you up inside. You had to do something, even if you didn't manage to come out with your feelings in the end, you just... had to do something.

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