Smile For Me (Soleil)

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Requested by the always lovely Fandomz_Fangirl! Please go check out their profile, I think they do a much better job at their one-shots than I could ever hope to, haha~


Soleil let out a quiet sigh, more to herself than anyone, as she rested her chin in the palm of her bare hand, choosing not to don her armor on this particular day. Her eyes were bland... devoid of light, even as she stared at the rising sun just beyond the horizon in front of her.

And for the very first time in her life, her trademark, what some would consider a pure beam of love and sunshine that graced her features... it wasn't there.

Soleil didn't wear her smile today. Instead... she wore a deep-set, troubling frown.

And someone had already taken notice, even in this ungodly hour of the morning.

A girl, no older nor younger than our smiling beauty in question, wore a look of concern as she slowly approached Soleil, her hands clasped in front of her as she cautiously knelt next to the baby pink-haired girl, taking note of her solemn expression and slightly wincing as her heart crushed simply from the look. She raised her hand, seeming to hesitate for a brief moment, before placing it on her shoulder, causing Soleil to jump ever so slightly from the shock before looking over at the source.

Her expression lightened up somewhat when her eyes made contact with yours, but you still were very worried.

"Soleil...?" You began quietly, your eyebrows furrowed together as you looked at her stoic, storm grey eyes, the color never failing to entrance you. "Love, are you alright?"

She chuckled, but along with it came no smile. "Sweetheart, I'm just fine." Her eyes fell forward towards the sun again as she leaned on your shoulder, an action that wasn't new to you, as you two often cuddled together whenever you had a single opportunity. "What about you though, huh? You doing okay?"

Her concern got the tiniest grin out of you, though it made you a bit sad. Something was clearly bothering your Soleil, or maybe she had caught a simple case of seasonal depression... it didn't matter. She was hurting, and she wasn't telling you that she was, much less why she was.

It was saddening, and it was truly bugging you.

"I am well, love. I assure you."

Another dry chuckle, followed by a small sigh as she hugged her knees close to her chest. "That's good... makes me glad."

Your eyes widened slightly as something... an idea... yes, an idea of the most beautiful kind crossed your mind. This got a smile out of you, simply imagining the look on Soleil's face once it all finally took place.

You wrapped both of your arms around her tightly, planting a feather-light kiss on her cheek, an action that she at least seemed to enjoy.

"I'm sorry, Soleil... but I must go. There is something I must go do, something that's extremely important. I stopped here first... I just had to see you." Pulling away from her, you looked directly into her eyes, looking for any spark that was your Soleil within them... yet found nothing. "You don't mind, do you?"

She simply shook her head, a gesture that made her seem tired. "Heh, of course not. We all got duties here, you aren't excluded, hun."

You gave as genuine of a smile as you could at her words. "Will you meet me at the plaza, the one with the fountain, later this evening? I... have a question... more like a favor to ask of you. I'd ask now, but well, I don't have enough time..."

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