Black Feather (Henry)

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Sorry for my lack of activity lately. I've been busy attempting to buy a car and losing things that can't ever be found or even gained again. So yeah. This one might be short, too. Not as short as the last one, but it won't breach 1,500 words.

Requested by Fandomz_Fangirl!


The ache in your neck was more obvious and in your face than the piles of letters and maps on the table in front of you.

A Pounding Pain was lingering behind your eyes, the result of a migraine, which often sent you reeling and hissing in pain as you hunched over the table you had been looming over for the past 12 hours.

You needed a break. That much was obvious to you. But you couldn't. Not when the lives of the soldiers from an entire army were at stake.

This thought always made you just sigh, rubbing your eyes as exhaustion threatened to overtake you yet again, then just continue to focus on the piles of papers in front of you.


You gasped, suddenly sitting up straight as the voice calling for you yanked you from your Tactician-filled Thoughts. The white, thick cotton cover that made up your tent opening was quickly pulled open, and you saw the smiling face of the Army's possible psychopath.


Honestly, you didn't mind him. He was better than Tharja any day of the week.

You did NOT want to deal with another one of her Sleeping Sedatives in your soup again...

"Henry..." You sighed out, both in relief and exhaustion. Your hand was placed over your heart as you leaned back in your Oak Chair, some of your hair falling in your face as you let your head fall forward slightly.

"You scared me."

"Ha-ha!" Henry exclaimed in an overly excited manner. "I'm sorry, (Y/n)! I didn't mean it this time, I promise. I just wanted to come and give you something."

You tilted your head slightly to the side and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Since when did Henry give gifts, especially to you? "Yes Henry, what is it? If it's another Risen Leg or even hand, I'm gonna have to pass."

"Awww, but (Y/n)! Those are always the best presents!"

You knew your statement may have made him a little sad, but that charming grin of his was still present and as brilliant as ever. You were honestly surprised he didn't have deep, dark laugh lines from how much he smiled with his pearly whites almost always visible. Maybe he used magic of some sort to keep the features away?

Why were you having a Mental Conversation with yourself about Henry and possible Laugh Lines? You weren't entirely sure.

"Nope, it's nothing gruesome, I promise (Y/n). It may be a bad omen to some, but I'm giving it to you with good intentions!"

Huh. Henry and Bad Omens. The two went together like Bread and Butter.

He reached into a pocket on his side that was almost hidden away due to how well it blended with the fabric of his overcoat. It didn't take him long to pull something out, something long and slender.

It was simple, honestly, if one took the time to sit down and think about it. But it held no imperfections, almost as if one spent hours, maybe even days caring for it to make it look as flawless as it did. It was a Black Feather, presumably from one of the many crows that Henry loved and adored, that cared for him just as much as he cared for them. It was black and sleek, not too shiny, yet it didn't look old and mangy either. The crow that once bore this feather must've been a massive and proud one.

"Henry..." You began to speak.

"Oh, don't worry!" Henry interrupted, walking closer to you, still holding that feather. "The crow I got this from isn't dead. I don't think. Nope, he lost this one naturally, so I didn't hurt him to get it at all, I promise!"

Oh, Henry. Always worrying about the safety of his Avion Friends. It made you smile on multiple occasions.

"Henry, are you sure I can have this? This is quite a breathtaking feather."

"I'm positive, (Y/n)! Now stay still, I know what we can do with this feather..."

Placing his index finger on his chin for a moment, he walked to your side of the desk and behind your chair. You couldn't see him, but you felt both of his hands rest your shoulders. His thumb rubbed against your shoulderblade for just a few moments, almost like he was thinking, but it still sent a shiver up and down your spine. You then felt his right hand leave your shoulder, then felt his fingertips begin to graze your hair.

He began to rake his fingers through your hair, brushing it back neatly and without any trouble whatsoever. You had to tilt your head back a bit, but you began to feel him pull all of your hair back into one bunch, then begin to slowly, yet surprisingly skillfully, braid it. It felt a bit odd, definitely, but it was also relaxing in its own way.

A few minutes passed, and he was finally done, taking the hair he braided and putting it over your shoulder. You turned to see just what he did, and a smile was brought to your face when you saw he had taken the black feather and woven it into the braid in your hair.

"There! Try not to lose it, OK?"

You nodded, the grin on your face showing no signs of even wavering. "I won't, Henry. I promise."

"Nya-ha! Good! I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/n)."

And with that, he left, leaving behind his unique scent of oak trees and wildflowers in his wake.

Your eyes drifted back to the papers on your desk. Your hand reaching up to gently graze your fingers against the feather.

At least your Migraine was gone.


There. Sweet, right? Short and Sweet. Sometimes, those are the best ones <3

Hope you're satisfied, Fandomz_Fangirl! Next up is a request for Keaton, with Libra right after him! Stay tuned!

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