A little about me / Update

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Nope, not a Story Update, unfortunately.

I promise you, Fandomz_Fangirl, I'll have your Dwyer Stories out and awaiting your lovely eyes to read them as SOON as possible. You did so many requests for me, so it's only fair that I do what you asked for you!

But, I do have an update for all of you. I'm putting this update in 3 of my Books, this one, Great Purities, and The Garage since those are my most POPULAR books. It's rather big, important update too since it will most likely impact all of my stories. (Almost wrote infect instead of impact... Don't worry, I don't have any diseases... I don't think.)

So, to further update on who I am, Hi! I'm Chelsie! How ya' doing? Just a 17-year-old girl with a HUGE Nerdy Side and absolutely no life. Welcome to my book! I put lots of love into it, and I can only hope you're enjoying my little group of One-Shots!

Now that we've gotten the Intros out of the way (which I know you're not here for) let's get on with this.

So for the past 3 years, there's one thing I've always wanted. I've wanted freedom. I'm not kidding when I say I've been cooped up inside this house of mine for 6 years. I've been Homeschooled for my entire High School and Middle School Life, so I've never really gotten to experience the Social Life, the awkward Puberty Stage at it's most glorious peak, and simple Human Interaction. Sure, I have my Dad, Sisters, and one of my Sister's Husband whom I look at as a Brother, but it's still not the same.

So, I turned to the Internet. I met many fantastic people on there, some of which I still talk to and communicate with to this day. But, alas, as many cases of Teenage Loneliness on the Internet do, my Internet Life came to a VERY bad end.

I got Harassed on the Internet due to someone liking me a bit too much. Like... WAY too much. He found my First and Last name, even though I never told anyone. He found my Facebook and harassed ALL of my Family Members, even if they didn't live in the same state as I did. He Private Messaged my Mother and told her one of her exes raped me and tried to kill me with a screwdriver, which made her call me at 2 AM on a Wednesday in literal tears.

I almost got taken away from my Family. Just because I had a stalker.

Because of that WHOLE situation, I've locked myself in my room and become restricted. Severely Antisocial. And don't get me wrong, you guys having such positive feedback on my Stories is really an amazing thing, it's helping me to boost my Confidence and see that I'm not a horrid person. That I actually AM someone who can make others happy. And for that one tiny, nearly microscopic feeling that's emerging in me, I thank each and every single one of you. You're all amazing people, and I'm so glad I had the courage to post my first Story on here, no matter how cringy it was, to take that tiny baby step to interact with all of you wonderful people.

Buutt, as I said earlier, Internet Interaction can only get one so far.

So, I'm taking that first, self-induced step. I'm breaking out of my Brick Walls that I've built around myself, to keep myself secure, and I'm going out to get a Job.

I've already applied to multiple places in my local area, and now it's just a matter of waiting. Seeing where this all will take me. And I thank all of you for being patient, I really, truly do...

But, unfortunately, you're gonna have to be patient for just a little while longer.

I hate doing this to all of you. I really do. I wanna just sit down and write and make all of you as happy as I can every day. I wanna hammer out a billion updates for you every day, so that way you'll all be happy with me. But, that's not gonna happen.

I WILL still update, don't get me wrong. Never could I EVER leave WattPad or my Stories just on the shelf to collect dust. That'd be leaving a piece of myself behind, and I simply can't do that.

But updates will probably be slow. Now, how slow isn't a given, but it's not gonna be often.

I feel bad because I don't update regularly as it is. And now I'm just gonna be slower.

But, Requests will NOT be closed! Like one of the Tags on this book says, Requests are ALWAYS open!


Feel free to bombard me with whatever you want to see. Fire Emblem Fates and Fire Emblem Awakening are what I'll take for this Book because I've never played any other Fire Emblem Game. Just keep that in mind when requesting!

Also, I'd LOVE to play Video Games with you guys.

I'm a PROFESSIONAL (kinda) in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Monster Hunter Generations. #GammothLover4Life. I can enter your Hunting Party as a Lancer, Gunlancer, Hammergal, or an Insect Glavier. I can KINDA use the Duel Blades, but that's still a WIP. Tell me what you want me to be out of those in your Party and I won't disappoint. I promise.

Or, if you just wanna have my Friend Code, it's 3024 - 7525 - 6657. I'll add you back if you PM me with yours.

I'd give out my Castle Code for Fire Emblem Fates, but I've got Tomodachi Life in my 3DS right now. I'm too tired to get it right now... Maybe in the next update.

Mmkay, now I feel like I've bombarded you guys with far too much information... So, I'll leave this at that.

I love you all.

Ilandere out.

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