Recovery (Ashe)

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We've got some more Ashe love queued up, as requested by justamethyst3! A healthy (over)dose of fluff and sweetness again, since I'm honestly afraid to write anything even remotely heartbreaking for him. He is TOO PURE, he doesn't deserve anything bad happening to him.



Cracking your eyes open, you hissed and nearly growled at the rising sun, roughly pulling the blankets you were practically smothered in over your head to protect your eyes from the early morning rays. The heat that surrounded you was bordering on unbearable, causing your forehead to be sticky with sweat and making stray strands of hair stick to your flushed cheeks. It felt like your heart had made a north-bound trip into your skull with the fury of a thousand wyverns and was now on a rampage, pounding against the bone and the back of your eyes without mercy and making a tiny whimper come from you as your throat tightened instinctually against the bile that was threatening to creep up your throat.

Put simply, you felt awful. You weren't sure when or how it happened, but you had somehow managed to get sick sometime during the last mission, or possibly before it, though somehow, you doubted that. You vaguely remember feeling woozy sometime after fighting a beast that had randomly ambushed the class, but that was about as far as you got before you promptly passed out, hitting the ground hard and damn near giving Hanneman, who was going with your class that specific day, a heart attack. The incident was also to blame for you being practically locked in your room right now, for fear of whatever had happened to you possibly spreading to anyone else in the academy.

And now, here you were, in all your glory, practically melting into a pile of gross on your bed and cursing the goddess for thinking it was a good idea to make the sun so damned bright.

You knew no one was going to visit you today besides Manuela, who was in charge of your recovery, and she was only coming to give you random junk (also known as medicine) to help you feel better.

The thought made you whimper again, causing you to swiftly yank one of the pillows out from under your head and slam it over your face. Who knew that being sick was so lonely?


"So, it's not a natural illness?"

Manuela let out a sigh as she kept grinding the herbs she had into a fine paste. "Afraid not. Turns out that thing that ambushed your class while they were out with Hanneman had the ability to administer poison to threats." Dipping a gloved finger into the paste, she let out a hum as she studied its consistency before turning to the right and grabbing a nearby elixir, slowly pouring half of the bottle in the bowl with the paste. "So far, it doesn't look like she got a lethal dose of the stuff, but I'd still like to get the antidote into her as soon as possible, just in case we're underestimating the venom and it ends up taking a turn for the worst."

The two other occupants of the room tensed visibly at those words, Byleth letting out an almost inaudible sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, while Ashe did his best to swallow away the lump of worry in his throat.

Ashe... well, he technically wasn't supposed to be up here with Byleth right now, but his overwhelming worry for his classmate and desire to do anything he could to help seemed to have had an effect on his stoic professor, and she didn't even try to stop him, instead putting a gentle arm around his shoulder and guiding his slightly shaking form up to the infirmary.

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