Poke (Anthony)

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An Anthony X Reader Modern Fluff that was requested by DWN024ShadowMan. Nice username, bruh xD

I really didn't want to keep you waiting for this one-shot! I REALLY DIDN'T! But, I've been working my ASS off recently, and I AM NOT ASHAMED TO ADMIT THAT I SPENT $200 AT WAL-MART ON POKEMON BOOKS, HEADPHONES, AND A SHIRT. ALONG WITH AVIATORS.

Aviators are the fucking BEST....

For those of you who are confused as to who Anthony is, he's a Revelations only Character that you have to face as a Mini Boss Fight in Valla. The reason a pic of him isn't up here is that I couldn't find one I could use on here :(

FOR THE PEOPLE WHO REQUESTED HENRY, LIBRA, AND KEATON!!! (Think I got multiple Keaton and or Kaden ones, feel free to remind me who requested what) THEY ARE COMING, I PROMISE!!! I'm honestly half tempted to start taking my Laptop to work so I can work on Stories for you guys while on break because I AM NOT UPDATING ENOUGH. I'M SERIOUSLY TAKING A RISK RIGHT NOW BY EVEN WRITING THIS RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE I HAVE TO BE ASLEEP IN ONE HOUR. And the second part for Gerome will be out after those, then I'm gonna write a Chapter for MAHSELF! Unless someone requests.... then I guess I gotta do that lol.

I am doing the best I can for you guys right now, I swear. I'm not complaining though because I've met people who've had to deal with 200+ requests. Sweet Jesus, I could not imagine that.

Enough ranting, enjoy the story!


You knew Anthony didn't have that great of a past. He used to work for someone that honestly terrified him in a Mafia Business, but he was now trying his best to leave all of that behind, even though you both were very aware of the looming shadow over him, targeting him because of his past. Anthony was never 100% sure of why you stayed by his side, but he certainly wasn't complaining, not one bit. In fact, he was thankful for you in every way. He tried to show it too, but never did he think he was showing it enough.

It's not like you were someone special in the eyes of someone who just met you. You were just a Waitress at a Diner, a simple little Breakfast Place in a lonely little neighborhood on the east side of the city. You were probably the only girl there who went to your work with a smile and your face and left with one still plastered on. You tolerated the ass grabs and catcalls, still serving them as if they weren't pigs who were grabbing you with their large, greasy hands. Now, that didn't mean that you hadn't "accidentally" spilled scalding hot coffee on some of their laps, "accidentally" dropped a plate of the stickiest Apple Pie on their shirts when they started to get under your skin, but hey, your Boss didn't have to know that...

You sighed as you sat down on your beloved couch, closing your eyes closed as you pried your heels off of your feet. They were always too tight, in your opinion, and the fact that you had to wear them all day while walking and sometimes running all over the diner just made your knee and feet problems that much worse.

Your phone on the Coffee Table in front of you vibrated, indicating you had a text.

Looking up, you grabbed it and unlocked it, being sure to turn on your T.V and switch it to your Favorite Channel for background noise purposes before you switched your attention to your phone fully.

'Anthony - I'm in the neighborhood. Mind if I stop by for a few?'

You sighed to yourself as you typed up a reply.

'You - You know you don't have to ask Anthony.'

His reply was almost instant.

'Anthony - At least let me try to be a gentleman, (Y/n).'

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