Written in the Stars (Ophelia)

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Requested by the always lovely Fandomz_Fanboy! Ophelia is suuuch a doll, and I can't state how excited I am to finally write this!

I'm... honestly not sure how long or short this one will be, so I hope you can forgive me in case it's super short! Also, this will have gender-neutral pronouns! Thank you, as always, for requesting me! <3


Elise always did her hair so nicely.

Ophelia absentmindedly ran the pads of her fingers across the tops of the perfect braids that her mother had done for her, such a sweet smile on her face as she hummed and ran her fingers through her only child's hair. It was a calming, near-routine activity that the two had begun to do together, Elise simply saying something along the lines of "It's a bonding thing, sweetheart! How can the chosen heroine not look absolutely darling while she saves the world?"

Queen Camilla even cooed when she saw the sweet braids, gently petting Ophelia and giving her one of her oh-so-gentle kisses on her forehead and saying that she was so sweet, she could just "eat her up".

However, Ophelia was no fool. She knew that Queen Camilla doted on her as such because she had no children of her own to do exactly that with. She remembered how much the wonderful Queen cried when she was told by doctors that she was physically unable to bear children. She was sterile. It was a dark week in the castle that month, filled with grieving and crying that put such a gloomy cloud over the residents.

However... while it was a saddening thing to think of now, it wasn't what brought Ophelia, the usually bubbly, sweet soul such anxiety and unnerving thoughts on this cool night.

See, because Queen Camilla had no children, that meant she had no heir. Naturally, the responsibility for providing an heir would fall to the next of kin, but Prince Leo, well... he wasn't around anymore. He hadn't fallen to such a dark fate as death, but he, for reasons unknown, had taken his only son, Forrest, along with his wife and fled the kingdom, never to be seen or heard from again. Ophelia still had no idea as to why... and though she knew he did it of his own free will, she hoped and prayed with everything she had that the small family was okay, wherever the winds took them.

And, as such, that left Ophelia as the Heir of the Obsidian Throne. The Crown Princess of Nohr, next in line to become the Queen of Nohr once Queen Camilla was unable to rule any longer.

And truthfully, such a fate... it terrified Ophelia.

She knew she was eccentric. She had gotten the behavior from her father, and it brought her such joy to behave that way. Almost like she could escape into her own little world, a fairytale where she was the perfect heroine. Yet, she knew that not everyone approved of that side of her. Which was understandable... it was seen as childish, after all. But... it had become such a heavy, influential part of her life that she just couldn't imagine her life without such behavior. It was how she grew such a strong, never-fraying bond with her father, how she drew so many fond smiles and giggles from her mother, and how she kept such warm smiles on her own face. It was how she got through the days anymore.

But when she became Queen, that part of her, all of it, would have to vanish into thin air, as if it never existed. She had to, for the sake of her future people, she had to drop that act and become more mature, more poised, elegant and less flowy and somewhat airy.

She knew that. But that didn't change the fact that the thought alone made her shudder with fear. All the pressure, combined with the thought of losing such an important part of her, it was tearing her to pieces.

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