Back Home (Seteth)

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Requested by epicface752! Some simple Seteth Fluff to keep us warm and healthy during these... idk, just these times.

This guy was another one that was difficult to find fanart that I wanted. Not that he's lacking in the fanart department, but... this guys fanbase is made up mostly of memers, so it was a bit of a trek.

Also, apologies if this one seems a bit different compared to my other ones! I've been playing a shitton of Pokemon Sword and Ultra Moon lately, so I'm legit drowning over Guzma and Raihan, so I apologize, again, in advance.

Slight spoilers in regards to both Seteth and Flayn in regards to their... well. If you know, you know. It's just what their family relations are, and while I don't think it's something that's incredibly spoiler-y considering it's only a very vague mention, I figured I'd put this warning here just in case ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A quiet knock on the door tore his eyes away from the mass amounts of work on his desk, one of his eyebrows raising in curiosity and a small bit of intrigue as his mind asked itself who it could be. It couldn't be Flayn, she was off with Lady Rhea helping her with a few things today, and Professor Manuela... well, he had personally seen the state that she had left herself in inside her own infirmary, and he honestly didn't think she would pull herself off of one of her own beds to get herself food right now, much less see Seteth. If it was Professor Hanneman, he probably would've invited himself in, and Seteth usually had to go find Byleth himself if any words needed to be said, so...

His curiosity got the better of him.

"Come in." His voice was steady yet loud, a tone he had unknowingly perfected over his many years of life.

When the door opened, his jade-colored eyes softened slightly when they met with your own (e/c) ones, his expression becoming a slight teasing one as you closed the door and looked at him with one of your oh-so-sweet smiles, a giggle escaping you once you were in the safety of his office and out of the hallway.


You looked so proud of yourself. You probably had managed to pull yourself away from whatever assignment that the new captain Jeralt had assigned you just to come see Seteth, something that was becoming incredibly more common now that the two of you had entered... well, whatever this was. Seteth wasn't entirely sure what to call it, honestly. It was a secret, it kind of had to be thanks to your position in the Knights of Seiros and his position as Lady Rhea's right hand, but he wasn't entirely sure it was something solidified in stone. It just felt more like an extra level of platonic with a bit of romance mixed in, and Seteth... well, he wasn't sure if he minded or not.

"I hope you didn't sneak away from the new Captain just to say hi again, (Y/n)," Seteth said with a slight accusatory, almost mocking tone, one of his eyebrows raised as he stared at you.

"Oh wow, you're that lacking of trust for me? I'm so hurt." You placed your hand over your chest and pouted, though it held no truth behind it whatsoever if that small smirk that was fighting to be worn on your face was anything to go by.

"When it comes to you and your desire to stay in one place for too long," Seteth began, shaking his head slightly as he stood to his feet, crossing his arms as he stared you down, though it wasn't with malice. "I can't say I'm the most convinced person, to say the least."

All that did was make you laugh before you took a few steps forward and efficiently stole his own office chair, the man letting out a small chuckle as he watched you pick up one of his quills and twirl it in-between your fingers smoothly as you leaned on the mahogany surface with your elbows. "Nah, I actually didn't sneak away this time. The Captain and I, along with some other Knights, of course, have a mission to go do on the Coast near the Alliance. Something about some Pirates causing trouble for one of the merchant towns. The Captain gave us all the okay to go say our goodbyes, and... well, I got no one to say good-bye to other than you and Flayn." The mention of the young girl made you laugh as you leaned back in his chair, still holding onto the quill, albeit much looser now. "And of course, I already said my goodbyes to her. She came barreling into my side almost seconds after I got my mission, saying I had better be careful and come back to her safely."

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