A Guiding Song (Shigure)

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Shigure has flowers for the best readers who are reading this sentence right now, do you accept


Requested by justamethyst3! This one is more than likely gonna be another long one (cause I have no idea how to write short stories haha like how can anyone write something below 2,000 words can someone tell me cause seriously I have no idea how to do it) due to the plot that the requester outlined. There will be a few songs in this fic as well, which are listed at the end of the story in the order of their appearance.

I highly doubt I'm gonna pull another "that P5 one-shot I did one time" and make it like 50,000 words but I am just warning you in advance, you may wanna make sure you have like an hour or so of free time and a drink, some music maybe, and you know what, get yourself some food too, like are you feeding yourself and drinking water, are you taking care of yourself like you deserve to be cared for, I will become your mom and make you lasagna and mac n' cheese, I stg I will do it--


It wasn't uncommon for a person to find comfort in another, or for both to find comfort in each other. Strong bonds can be forged through this heavy sense of comfort that one or both find in the other, which can lead to lasting friendships and families, all radiating what is thought to be unattainable, lasting, never dying love.

For Shigure, you were that sense of comfort.

Though his mother and father meant the world to him and more, a fact he wouldn't ever dream of denying, they couldn't quite give him that same sense of ease and joy that you could whenever he needed it most. This war was taxing, even to some of the most hardened souls like Saizo, and his oldest friend (Y/n), the one that has been there with him for as long as he could remember, never failed to melt all the stress and unease away, chase away his anxieties before an upcoming battle, or even stay by his side when the cold winds that came with nightfall became far too much to bear. A rock, a pillar, whatever her mere presence could be likened to that was sturdy and unwavering, she was that to the young artist in every way she could be.

And though Shigure tried to repay her kindness towards him several times, she always denied him so kindly with the warmest smile. 'It's what friends are for, right Shigure?' She always made her arguments sound so... right, another feature of her headstrong nature that perhaps got her into trouble more often than not. Sometimes her unwavering determination got her into scrapes she couldn't win, scrapes that Shigure was always more than willing to get her out of with no regards to his own safety.

For (Y/n), her comfort also lied within Shigure, but more specifically, she never felt more at ease than when he sang for her.

It happened so often, yet no one in the army was any the wiser outside of the pair due to them usually finding secluded places when they spent their time together. Shigure had actually taught her how to sing during these tranquil, still moments, though it was unknowingly on his part. She simply picked up on what he did whenever he absentmindedly sang during their little moments alone together, something Shigure himself didn't even come close to noticing until she just... started singing with him one night.

The sudden harmony from her had shocked him into silence, though not in a bad way. Yes, he was surprised that she had started singing with him out of nowhere, but he was more mesmerized by how wonderful she sounded. Her voice was angelic before, there was absolutely no denying that, yet he hadn't even stopped to consider just how she would sound if she ever sang her heart out.

And it left him breathless.

Afterward, it had become somewhat of a normal ritual for the pair. Whenever the two had the free time long after the sun had dipped below the horizon, they would sneak away from prying eyes and ears and simply sing. Whether he was singing to her while she rested her head against his shoulder, absentmindedly fiddling with the sleeves of her shirt as a look of utter contentment and peace crossed over her features and stayed plastered there for the rest of the night, or she sang to him, be it while he drew something new that had his creative fire roaring into an inferno, or while he simply did his best to keep from falling into slumber while he laid his head in her lap. No matter who's voice was ringing out into the gentle night, it was their moment together, a moment that couldn't be replicated or replaced by anything or anyone else. And they treasured those moments with everything they had.

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