Still In There (Chrom)

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A request for justamethyst3! I'm so sorry for the delay! I've been caught up in a certain... something... that y'all are gonna hear about in the next update!

The next update won't be a request, it'll be some more self-indulgence (imsosorry) but it'll come with a very big update for this book involving who you can request! I hope you guys are as excited about it as I am!

Also, not gonna lie, I'm legit surprised it took this long for someone to request Chrom. I guess in my head, he was one of the most popular FE Guys for girls and guys alike to go nuts and swoon over, or maybe he's just not as popular as I previously thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyways, enjoy!!


Perhaps the reason he wasn't so mentally prepared for this was because he didn't expect it to all fall apart. Their plan, it seemed so airtight and foolproof, so failsafe that it didn't even cross Chrom's mind that they could fail.

She's one of them... she is one of them. Damn destiny and fate and whoever thought so fondly of them, she was a Shepherd just like the rest of them, which meant that he would be damned if he left her behind, and certainly not in this state. Even if she tried to kill him, he wasn't going to leave her behind to this unfitting end, not like this.

The inhuman roar that seemed to shatter all life around him brought Chrom back to reality with a quiet gasp, his eyes wide as he stared at the abomination that lurked in the clouds above them, Falchion still gripped tightly in his right hand due to the last battle that was just hours ago.

He could hear Grima snarl as it took in a deep breath, low and guttural sounding as its menacing gaze glided across the battlefield, searching for anything that even had the audacity to breathe as the glow in its eyes began to glow only brighter with malice.

"No..." He could hear Lucina whimpering from the ground next to him, having fallen to her knees as she sobbed uncontrollably. "I... I tried my hardest... my hardest to not let this happen again... where did I g-go wrong, where did I fail?!" Her cries eventually devolved into full-on screams and cries as she dug her fingertips into her hair and rocked back and forth.

"Gods..." Frederick was right behind Chrom, who could practically feel the veteran knight shaking in fear over the sight of this. "Milord, we must gather as many troops as we can to fell this beast. We have to retreat. As we are right now, suffering heavy losses and low on morale, we cannot hope to even put a dent in her- no, its hide."

Chrom scowled to himself at that, his gaze becoming narrow and dangerous as yet another hideous shriek pierced the very air around them.

The Exalt gripped the fabled Falchion in his hand...

Taking a deep breath, he could feel the strain on his jaw with how roughly he was gritting his teeth.

And before anyone standing behind him with fear-stricken faces could even try to stop him, he bolted forward, his gaze growing more and more determined as he ran, shaking the excess blood off of Falchion with one swing before raising it to his side in a battle-ready stance, showing no signs of hesitation as he ran towards Grima with everything he had, despite the voices of the rest of his fellow Shepherds behind him, doing anything they could with words alone to convince him to not do this.

Grima noticed him not too long after his charge began, a hiss coming from the Fell Dragon as it began to descend towards the ground with something akin to a bloody grin on its horrifying features as a menacing glow began to appear from deep within its throat, a breath attack that was intended to be shot at Chrom, should he come any closer. The thought got Chrom's heart to start pounding, a snarl appearing on his features for just a brief moment before he let out a loud, determined cry and leaped into the air near its head, the beast not reacting fast enough to recoil back as Chrom delivered a swift, deep slice to its chin. Not a fatal wound, for sure, yet it was a deep enough cut to cause Grima to throw its head back in pain and shriek as it fell to the ground roughly and violently, the shriek it let out starting out monstrous before gradually fading into something that sounded much more human and feminine.

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