Two Times She Said No, One Time She Said Yes (Laslow)

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Requested by AceGGOChamp! Also, we're legit 8 more one-shots from reaching 30 one-shots in this book! (Not counting the two "update chapters" I did.)

Geez, it feels like I've done much less than that.


"Alright..." Laslow muttered to himself, making sure to straighten out his shoulder piece and at least attempted to get that damned cowlick to stay put and behave, though to no avail.

He made a small mental checklist, making sure he had done everything that Lord Xander had asked him to do for the day...

Weapon Inventory? Check.
Armor Inspection? Check.
Food for the horses and wyverns? Check, although he'd make sure to tell Lord Xander that they did need some more soon, but not so soon that it was an emergency.
Daily Patrol? Check, he had just finished that, thank the Gods.
Weapon Maintenance? Che-- wait no, that was Peri's job today.
Game Hunting? Che... no... no, that was Niles and Keaton's job today.

Groaning to himself, Laslow leaned against the closest wall and buried his hands into the mess that was his silver hair. It was no use, he couldn't focus at all today, which was rather unlike him. Not that he wasn't trying to focus on his tasks today, he truly was, it was just that everything else in his mind was taking higher priority than his assignments and remembering if he had done them or not.

What made it worse was that this was an easy list of tasks today. Not only did he not have many this time, but they were all quick and easy due to Lord Xander having noticed his lack of attention and focus for the last few weeks. Both Selena and Odin had confronted him about it, Selena, in particular, having confronted him rather harshly, to which he always replied: "I suppose I haven't been getting much sleep for the past few weeks, heh..."

Honestly, that lie didn't even convince Laslow and he was the one spewing it, so it didn't entirely shock him when no one else believed it either.

He remembered around the time when it started, and that was when a new recruit had joined the Nohrian Army, an outlaw by the name of (Y/n). She was a talented individual with a bow, that much was certain, as she seemed to always be in some sort of competition with Niles on just who the better marksman was. Granted, the 'competition' portion was mainly on her side, as Niles was a man who really couldn't keep his eyes or his hands to himself, leaving to a lot of handprints across his face that seemed to excite the male more than it pained him.

Niles really did confuse Laslow, more often than not.

He recalled her first appearance on the campgrounds too, remembering that she seemed to just... come out of nowhere. There was no formal introduction, no "oh, by the way, we have a new unit on our team", absolutely nothing. She was just suddenly there, (h/c) hair tied up and out of her face while tuning bows and sharpening swords like she had been a part of the army for years, with no one seeming to question it.

When he had asked Lord Xander about it, he just treated it like it was normal. "Corrin trusts her, so I'll do the same as well, as should you."

She literally just appeared out of thin air with no explanation, and all he was told was basically to "just go with it".

Truth be told, he wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with him, either. It just seemed to randomly happen to him not too long after she arrived, like a sudden flick of a match that burned into a hellish flame, a flame that constantly consumed his chest and stomach and made him feel like he was constantly burning in the hottest, most delightful inferno he had ever witnessed, ever even had the delight of witnessing... either that, or it had slowly been creeping up to him and it only took him until just recently to notice it.

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