Meet My Brother! (Hilda)

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I apologize again for my absence! Hopefully this request for Khalidfe3hsmaid makes up for it! Final Fantasy did it AGAIN, and no, it wasn't XV this time, but XII, dear lord the sassy men are trying to take me hostage someone send help what do I doooooo--


To say you were nervous about the upcoming events today would be an understatement.

Seiros herself knows how much you adore the woman next to you, who's gazing at the wares in the Monastery Market without any care in the world, but good goddess, even her lax and rather dismissive (if you were to put it bluntly) behavior wasn't doing anything to ease your nerves today. One of her contemplative hums pulled your attention towards her as she picked up a pair of earrings, the pair being subtle in size, but as pink as her hair, her similarly colored eyes narrowing as she ran a dainty finger over one of them, before turning towards you.

"Move your hair from your ears for me?"

Anyone who knew Hilda for more than five minutes knew better than to argue with her over anything unless you were asking for her bickering, something your House Leader was quite guilty of on several occasions, so you simply did as you were told and moved our (h/c) hair away from your ears, fully exposing them to her.

It didn't help that you were oh so soft for her, but that was neither here nor there.

She held the shimmering pair of jewelry up to one of your ears, tilting her head as she seemed to mull over something in her head. The moment was short-lived before her eyes lit up like a Thoron Spell, a grin spreading wildly over her features.

"Oh my Goddess, yes. We are getting these for you."

You didn't get much say in the matter, for she was already turning around and fishing a few gold coins out of a purse that was strapped over her shoulder, paying the vendor before immediately turning around and beginning to put the earrings on you.


"Shhhh, just trust me on this!"

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, you tried to put on your best frown as she worked, crossing your arms and trying to at least pretend you were displeased about what was happening, and utterly failing.

Her grin grew almost impossibly wider as she stepped back, clasping her hands together and almost cooing at how you looked, earning quite the flush from you in turn. Almost as if she couldn't restrain her actions, she quickly closed the space between you both again and held your face in her hands, giggling as she leaned forward and pressed a soft, yet fleeting kiss to the tip of your nose, before moving up and doing the same to your forehead, and due to your size that was just a few inches shorter than she was, this task wasn't difficult for her in the slightest.

"I knew you'd look good in my favorite color~"

Your chance to retaliate and possibly make her blush a pretty red was taken from you when you heard a whistle from your right across the walkway, causing both you and Hilda to turn and see what had caused the sound.

Of course, it was Sylvain, who seemed to be toting a very unhappy Felix around with him through the marketplace, and he was looking at you both with such a knowing gaze paired with a smirk that it made you want to wipe it off with a full-blown fist to the face.

"I tooold you you were soft, (Y/n)!"

Narrowing your eyes, you broke from Hilda's grip and stormed over to the redhead, his smug expression turning to one of reasonable panic before you gave him a direct elbow to the ribs, causing him to double over and let out a groan of pain that was mixed with an exhale of air, then quickly pushing him so hard he nearly stumbled and almost fell over.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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