Bright and Warm (Corrin/Lucina)

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A one-shot requested by paultiteuf360! A super cute sounding one, I couldn't help but go a bit wild with this one! Hope you don't mind! Also, as per the requester's wishes, Reader here is a six-year-old orphan boy! I hope you enjoy!


....Aaand a request that was supposed to be out literally months ago, but due to my laptop literally being too old to function normally anymore, it stayed in the drafts when I got done with it instead of being published like I thought I told it to do. I feel so awful about this... like, the actual worst. I'm so sorry this even happened, let alone that I didn't notice it happen and fix it when I could.

I'm currently not seeing any more drafts hiding away, but if any of you have a request that I never did, please either message me or comment and ask why. If it's a request that happened before August 21st, 2019, then your request more than likely got lost when my laptop had a panic attack and decided to reset itself completely. Any request that happened after that, please message me or comment about it... I really don't want to leave people out without realizing I'm doing it, so if anyone's requests got lost or you don't see them in this book, pleasepleaseplease let me know!



"Is the situation going to be bad when it arrives?"

Lucina let out a tiny hum of thought at that, her eyes sharp as they stared at the horizon dotted by trees ahead of her.

"... Yes. It's stampeding towards the town a bit too quickly for my liking. It'll be there in... I'd say a week's time. It'd be a giant hit to our own resources to go attack it immediately right now, but the damage it'd do to the town is unmistakable if we let that thing arrive..."

Lucina furrowed her eyebrows, resting her chin into the palm of her hand and tapping her fingers against her bicep, chewing on the inside of her cheek nervously.

"What to do..." Lucina finally mumbled with a sigh, her shoulders heaving slightly with the action.

Corrin nearly growled in self-conflict as she turned and began pacing, one hand on her hip and the other on the hilt of her sword as she burned holes into the ground with her gaze.

Both Corrin and Lucina's situations were a bit 'unique', to put it lightly. Though they both came from different worlds, they somehow found their way into this new, foreign one together, a world that was filled with meek little towns and villages that made up remnants of kingdoms that were still barely held together by fragile strings. The world was mainly inhabited by men, but the monsters that crept in the forests and mountains posed a threat to all of them, no matter how strong or brave the army that faces these beasts are, massive losses would still be unavoidable in the face of one of these... creatures.

The threat of a long-running war was looming over this land as well, and combining the beasts that preyed on man and monster alike with the fires of war, and you get a massive amount of villages that were barely able to hold onto the mere scraps they managed to gather.

Though they were threatening, both Corrin and Lucina had managed to become living legends in the short time that they had been here due to their ability to slay these beasts with relative ease. Maybe it was due to Lucina's Falchion, or perhaps Corrin's Dragon Blood? It mattered not. The way they both saw it, they were able to save so many people that didn't have the ability to save themselves, and though they had heard countless times during their 'adventures' to go and fight in the war that clawed at this land so either Side A or Side B could win faster, they always refused with no hesitation. They both had fought in wars enough as is, and quite frankly, they both had grown to disgust and despise it. That, and this wasn't their fight. They had no place fighting for a land in a world that they didn't belong in.

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