When It Matters (Dwyer)

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Part One of Two Dwyer One-Shot Stories that were requested by Fandomz_Fangirl. I'm sitting on my bed, watching I_AM_WILDCAT's Sweaty Hour Videos while waiting for an App to download on my phone. I am so tired. I wanna sleep, but it's only 5 PM... *Sigh*.

I'm sorry this took so long, Fandomz_Fangirl. I'll do my best to make it good to make up for it. If it's not.... Then feel free to request a Remake. I'll gladly do it again when I'm not exhausted... But I kinda-sorta combined two of your ideas into one here. I'll do the second one too, I promise, but I like the way this one sounds. Hope you don't mind.


It was known by almost the entire Army that you were reckless. Sure, your recklessness would sometimes work to your advantage. It would allow you to catch the enemy off guard and kill them with close to zero problems. But, it also put you in great danger whenever you were out on the battlefield. You weren't always cautious when you went into battle, and you often paid the price for it with so many scars and wounds that you lost count.

But you were irreplaceable in Lord Corrin's Army. Your strength as a Mercenary was unmatched by anyone else in the army, and your knowledge with swords was impressive, to say the least.

Now, you weren't hot-headed. You knew how to control your temper, and you weren't a mean girl. But you were Selena's Daughter. Meaning you were competitive, hated mornings, and rather easy to annoy.

One of your favorite chores that you were the best at was sharpening weapons. You knew just the right angle to hold the whetstone to get the most out of every stroke, you knew how much was enough, what was too little, and what was too much. Whenever you got assigned to sharpen the weapons for the next day, you were always extremely giddy with excitement.

And today was no different.

You wore a smile on your face as your eyes focused solely on the Silver Sword in your hand. The gleam was breathtaking to you as you sharpened new life into its edges, the satisfying sound of stone against metal being nearly hypnotic to you. One last slow stroke of the whetstone against the fine edge of silver and you sat back, pulling the sword into the sunlight to admire its newly found gleam. Sighing in both content and happiness, you set down the whetstone and grabbed the sheath to the fine weapon, wasting no time in quickly encasing the sword in the strap of leather and setting it aside with the other weapons you had already sharpened.

Next was a Silver Lance for Silas. This would be an easy one. Silas was a good knight, for sure, but he was always so focused on increasing his skills that he sometimes forgot to turn in his weapons to have them cared for, which always resulted in an amusing sight of him hurrying into the Blacksmith's Hold with a lance or sword in hand and a blush on his face, always apologizing profusely as he placed them on the counter.

Grabbing the Oak Handle for the Long Weapon, you rested the handle in your lap and pressed the whetstone to the silver-toned tip...


You screeched in surprise, your hands flying to the dagger at your hip and shoving it in the direction of the voice, a pure instinct that you often relied upon when you took strolls.

You weren't met with a Bandit or a Hoshidan Soldier, but instead the tired, monotone face of Dwyer. You hissed in annoyance at him, being quick when you placed your dagger in its sheath.

"Damn it, Dwyer! I HATE how quiet you are!"

Dwyer just shrugged, not even seeming to be amused by your reaction.

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