Compensation (Linhardt)

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Requested by EllaUwU99! Though you didn't have any plot ideas for your request, my brain went on a rampage with this fluffy idea of mine, and tbh Linhardt is one of the perfect candidates for the blunt fluff we all need sometimes. And honestly, I'm currently watching a Meme Stream while I watch this (I don't know why watching someone else watch brain-melting videos inspired me to write, but you know what, I'm not complaining.)


Honestly, you should've been used to this by now. If anyone knew even just 1% of how Linhardt was, then they wouldn't be surprised by this either. Yet here you were, trying to fight back a blush (and doing a damned good job, if you do say so yourself) after Linhardt just... came and claimed your entire torso as a pillow, like it was free real estate or something.

This was incredibly common, why did you still stumble over yourself whenever it happened? You knew that Linhardt wasn't exactly a narcoleptic, he just... liked taking naps, and about 99.9% of the time nowadays, those naps usually took place on you in some shape or form. Oh, what's that? You're doing something extremely important for Edelgard or Byleth at your desk? Bam, you got a Linhardt head of hair buried into your stomach, gently snoring away. Ah, what? You say you were really busy trying to keep the plants in the greenhouse from, ya know, dying? Boom, a growth the size of Linhardt was suddenly full-on laying on your back while you were standing, oh me oh my, how did he get there? You were the "best place for naps", as he so eloquently put it, an explanation that you still didn't think was enough to justify him doing this so often.

Needless to say, you should've been far too used to this by now, especially considering the man's bluntness that some considered to be inconsiderate and rude. But the man who loved catnaps more than anything was here again, arms wrapped rather loosely around your torso with his head pressed somewhat firmly into your shoulder. He just showed up randomly, not commenting on you finally having the tiniest resemblance of free time for the first time in months, in fact, you didn't even think he noticed. He sat down in front of you on his knees, just... staring at you with one of the tensest and strained frowns you've ever seen.

"Uhm. Can I help you, Linhardt?" Your voice came out somewhat small because of his intense gaze, his teal blue orbs staring so far into your own (e/c) ones that you were certain he was picking apart at your very soul with close to no effort. "I'm tired." He stated it so matter-of-factly, like it was obvious why he was here, and honestly, you had gathered that much from the dark circles under his eyes that were practically screaming at onlookers from how much they stood out against his pale skin. If you didn't know any better, you would've thought that he hadn't slept in months with how ragged he looked.

"And that's my problem... how?" A question you probably shouldn't have asked due to you knowing exactly why Linhardt came here if he was tired, of all things, but hey, you figured you'd at least try to get him to wonder why his own exhaustion had to involve you in some way in order to cure it, but that never ended up being anything more than wishful thinking on your part.

As if Linhardt thought he never needed an explanation, his frown just deepened before he practically lunged himself forward, faster than you've ever seen the man move outside of combat where it was kinda-sorta required, immediately burying his face into your shoulder and caging your torso against his own with his arms that were a bit more muscular than anyone gave him credit for (and almost crushing your book in the process), causing you to sputter out useless words as your eyes widened from the shock of his sudden movements.

"Linhardt, wha--?!"

You got nothing back except quiet snores that you could barely hear above the breeze around you.

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