Like a Fairytale Knight (Ashe)

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Requested by justamethyst3! This boy has stolen my whole heart and like, I can't even be mad about it?? And like he prolly didn't even mean to cause he's such a fuckin' cinnamon roll and is hellbent on not being a thief anymore and I just-- I love this precious soul so goddamned much

Also, an important announcement! Please stick to the end of the one-shot for further details!


Your face was oddly stoic as you stared at the letter in your hands, your teeth beginning to grit together and your expression growing tight and forced in mental agony the further your eyes read along the parchment. You took a shaky breath in through your teeth when you finished reading it, your eyes screwing shut while you seriously contemplated shredding the paper into a million pieces before burning it, just for good measure.

But, you let out a sigh, folding up the paper and sliding it back into its envelope before putting it with the rest of the parchment from home. It wasn't the letter's fault that you were suddenly so sour, it just had the unfortunate fate of being the one to hold the news for you.

The news of your father holding a plethora of new suitors for you to "choose from" within the coming moon, and you could only guess that he had at least 20, all of whom were wanting to worm their way into your family's wealth and power while providing a fraction of their own. You were sick of it. All of these men were nothing more than the lowest scum at the bottom of the pond, absolutely disgusting and revolting in nature, no matter what form they came in or how often they were poked or prodded into decency.

Your own feelings about the situation were never taken into consideration, your father merely waving you away before saying "it's for your own good". It infuriated you to no end, and while one would think you could've gone to your mother for some sort of leverage or manner of hope to change the situation, she was just as powerless as you were about all of it. He was about as willing to listen to her as he was to you, so all she could do was hold you close, shushing you and kissing the crown of your head while you cried, saying it would all be better in the end, and that she'd be there to comfort you, no matter what happened.

Taking another deep breath, you looked out your dorm window. The sun was just breaching the horizon, painting your room in a gentle, warm orange glow. Shaking your head to attempt to get the thoughts of your father and his ideas for you out of your head, you turned and grabbed the few books off of your desk, holding them under one arm for a moment while you adjusted the leather strap that crossed over your chest, then smoothing out the wrinkles of your academy uniform that came with the adjustment.

'Time for class', you thought begrudgingly.

Normally, such a thought wouldn't even cross your mind, you absentmindedly noted while stepping out of your room and heading down the dormitory halls. You were incredibly studious, probably to the levels of Lysithea, if one were to think hard enough about it. You enjoyed your classes, Professor Byleth was so much more patient and understanding than the last Professor that was so kind as to run off with his tail between his legs during a fairly dangerous mission. Your classmates were all fantastic as well, Dimitri was such a kind, albeit fairly awkward sweetheart, Dedue was the literal definition of a gentle giant, Mercedes and Annette seemed to have a sixth sense for whenever you or anyone else was feeling awful, piping them right up with sweets and tea, and you had to admit, it was one of the more amusing things in the world to see Felix and Sylvain getting into whatever trouble they could while Ingrid was right there, dragging them back by their ears afterward and scolding them the entire time.

And, of course, who could forget about the resident innocent sweetheart, Ashe?

Perhaps it was unsurprising, but he was the very first person you had opened up to and become friends with when you joined the Academy and the Blue Lions House. His optimistic behavior was so infectious, his smile was like taking a ray of sunshine and plopping it dead-center in the middle of a room, and there was no way anyone could ever hate him. Even Hubert, Edelgard's own Hubert at least tolerated him instead of being downright hateful towards him, and you thought that was saying something. Everything about him was just so sweet and welcoming, it was hard to not at the very least be drawn to him in some way.

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