Honor As A Knight (Silas)

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Someone tell me why Pit from Kid Icarus appeared in my search results when I googled Silas from Fire Emblem. Seriously.

This is a request for the always lovely Robynfeather! It's gonna be HELLA fluffy and sweet to make up for the last depressing one. SO BUCKLE UP AND BOOK AN APPOINTMENT WITH YOUR DENTIST, CAUSE IMMA MAKE YOUR TEETH FUCKING ROT WITH THIS SWEETNESS!

Btw, isn't that Gif fucking adorable?


"Silas! Slow down! I can't run as fast as you can!"

"Ah! I'm so sorry, Milady! Here, let me carry you!"

(Y/n), a Young Princess from the Kingdom of Nohr began to laugh as she was quickly swept off of her feet in the most literal sense. Her best friend who was only a couple years older than her, Silas, was grinning from ear to ear as he quickly made his way through the thick brush, the heavy foliage not bothering him in the slightest as he kept a tight grip on the young girl.

"I found an awesome spot, Milady! I know for a fact that you'll like it, maybe even love it!"

"Silas! What have I told you about calling me that?"

Silas just chuckled as he came to a stop, gently placing the little girl on her bare feet. She laughed again, twirling a few times as she embraced her new-found, albeit temporary, freedom.

Oh, Silas knew he was in serious trouble. He just committed a severe crime in the eyes of the kingdom. In the eyes of Nohr, he just kidnapped a princess. The penalty for that was death by hanging.

(Y/n) turned towards him, her eyes sparkling with joy and adoration, a wide grin decorating her features. She had her freedom. She was happy.

He could care less about the Death Penalty right now. All of this was worth it.

"Silas! Come on! Look, we have to go to that spot over there!"

She quickly grabbed his hand, which was much bigger than hers, pulling him along suddenly and quickly. He laughed at her enthusiasm. For any other child, any other person, this would be nothing. Simply a charming, maybe even romantic spot that was hidden away, nestled in the hidden valleys of the Nohrian Mountains.

But to her, it was everything she everything wanted and more. And that's what made it all that more special.

She gasped, running to the top of a grassy hill that was dotted with flowers, immediately leaning down and picking a white one from its stem. Silas was right behind her, and he leaned down for just a moment to put a box of food on the ground, and as soon as he stood at full height again, she had placed the white flower behind his ear, giggling at his bewildered expression.

"Don't look so confused, Silas! That daisy brings out your Bronze Eyes beautifully!"

Although the compliment made his cheeks flare up bright red, he still grinned brightly.

"Well, if THAT'S the case..." Silas began, scratching his chin in fake, overexaggerated thought as his eyes scoured the flowers around him. His eyes landed on a (f/c) one (anything besides black, people. Natural Black Flowers don't exactly exist.) He quickly plucked it from its stem, twirling it in-between his fingers for just a moment before he placed it behind her ear, the petals going well with her (h/c) hair.

"There!" Silas proclaimed proudly, placing his hands on his hips. "Now you have a flower that goes with your (e/c) eyes perfectly!"

She smiled widely at the silver-haired boy, her cheeks staining red as she lunged forward and quickly enveloped the taller boy in an almost bone-crushing hug, causing him to grunt in surprise.

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