Chapter 2: Break Down

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I woke up to a new day with gloomy clouds. I stretched as I got up to get ready for work. The daily grind. After I was finished, I upped and left.

Here I am again, in my office doing paperwork. Zara sat on the edge of my desk as I filled out the papers.

"--so wanna come?" She asked.

"Well, yeah I'm free tonight. And I need a little fun. Clubs been calling my name." I said.

"Ok dancing Queen." Zara and I laughed. I leaned back in my chair, and smiled.

"I'm finally fucking finished!"

"Gee the language."

"Well sorry, but that took me so long to do. Those are a pain." I stood up. "Coffee?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Zara responded, as we walked out the office to the break room. When we walked in, there was Robert sitting at the table drinking coffee.

Robert looked up at me first then, at Zara.

"Hey." I felt Zara rub her elbow on my arm, as she put on a friendly smile for Robert.

"Hello." I walked over to the coffee machine. "Um, you didn't come to the office."

"Yeah, I just got here, and I needed this." He motioned over to his coffee.

"Ohh..." I said, nodding.

"How are you liking it here so far?" Zara asked.

"It's... It's great. Everyone's very welcoming." He said.

"Well that's good."

"Here's your coffee." I handed Zara the coffee I just made, as I sipped on my own cup.

"Thanks." She took the cup.

"Well, I'm going back to the office so..." I said, as Robert stood up.

"Ok, I'll just come with you." He said, as we left the break room together. We walked down the hallway to the office.

He needed help with some of the files, so I decided to help him out.

"That goes in that drawer right there. Executive papers go right over here." I said, pointing to the large drawer with multiple levels.

"Jesus, how the hell can you sort these so quickly." He asked, looking at a file.

"When you spend a couple years here you learn a couple things." I chuckled, as I took the file he had, and put it away. He smiled.

"Well I better start racking up my years." He chuckled, as I placed a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Figure." I giggled, as I placed more files.

"So, how old are you?" He asked. "Sorry that was random."

"No, you're fine. I'm 31."

"Really!? Would've never guessed. You look 25." I smiled, and blushed.

"Pssh, yeah sure." I laughed, as he smiled.

"I'm serious." He looked at me with his mesmerizing brown eyes. I felt warm everytime he looked at me.

"Well I don't believe it." I chuckled, as he did also. "So uh, did you work somewhere else before you came here?" I asked, as Robert looked up at me slowly. He looked nervous.

"N-No..." He said, stuttering. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You alright?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said quickly. I nodded slowly, and continued to put files away.

"Ok then..." I said, as he looked away.

Time skip...

"Come on workaholic, the club awaits." Zara said, as I grabbed my things off my desk; ready to leave work. Robert wasn't in the office because he left earlier then me.

"Geez I'm coming. Hold your man hoes." I said, walking out with her.

"You mean horses?" She laughed.

"Nope, I know what I meant. There is only one good reason why you want to go to the club so quickly." I said, chuckling.

Zara stopped laughing, and playfully hit my arm.

"Hey, can a girl have fun." She giggled. I shook my head, and smiled.

"Hey, I'll meet you at the club. I have to go home and change and stuff." I said, going to my car.

"Yeah, same here. Ok then, see you there girl." Zara said, getting in her car, as I did.

I pulled away from the parking lot, onto the grey streets. Rain was coming down a little. My windshield wipers cleared my vision.

As I drove a little further down the street, I noticed a car on the side of the road, and a man sitting on the curb.

I came a little closer and I realized it was Robert. I pulled over, and got out the car.

"Robert." I said. "You ok, what happened?" I asked, as he looked up.

"Y/N." He stood up. "My car broke down." He said, as the rain began to pour.

"Oh gosh. Umm, need a lift."

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"Come on." I said, as we went back to my car. We got in, and I started the engine.

"I live a few minutes away, wanna camp out at my place?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's alot more logical considering I live miles from here." He said, as I nodded.

"Alright." I began to drive off.

About ten to fifteen minutes later, we arrived at my apartment. We walked in, as I placed my keys on the table.

"Living room is over here, and the kitchen is towards the back." I said.

"Ok, thanks." He looked around, and decided to sit on my couch.

I went to my bedroom to change, and to call Zara. I took out my phone and closed the door.

"Hello?" She said.

"Z it's me. I can't make it tonight." I said.

"Aww, come on! Why not?"

"I have a problem. Well not like a problem, but..."


"Robert is in my apartment." There was a long silence.

"God Y/N, I see you're gonna have a rocking night with Mr. McHotstuff." I could tell she was smirking.

"No I'm not. None of that rocking or whatever." I shook my head. "I picked him up from the side of the road. His car broke down." I explained.

"Uh huh..."

"I'm so serious."

"Ok well... I guess... See you tomorrow then? I have nothing to say about this besides what I said earlier."

"Ugh, ok then." I sighed. "Oh, and Zara."


"Keep your dress on, and legs crossed." I said.

"I'll try." She giggled, as I laughed at her remark.

"Ok, bye Z have fun."

"Ok, bye." She said, as I hung up.

I leaned my back against the wall, and placed my hand on my forehead. He's in my damn living room... I thought to myself.


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-Duckling out ^.^

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