Chapter 11: Response

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After training yesterday, we just came home and kind of... well not talked. At all basically. I, however, felt the need to at least say like 'hey' when he passed by, or something like that.

But here he goes, shutting himself down towards me. Ever since the kiss, he's kept his distance.

I decided to stop trying, so I completely gave up on trying to talk to him. But anyways, today is the day I get to train in the gun range. So I guess I have that to look forward to.

I was fixing my hair, while I saw Robert in the bedroom scrolling on his phone.

I walked past him to get ready to leave but again, he didn't say anything. What the fuck is his problem?

We arrived back at headquarters, and now it was time to start my gun training. Since Robert was in his mood, the guy that was boxing with Robert yesterday was going to give me my first lesson.

"So, you ever handled a gun before?" Dean asked as he cocked a hand gun.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.

"Today's your lucky day then." He smiled, handing me the gun. I gripped it and looked at the shining metal.

"Now, over there is your target." Dean pointed ahead of me. "Just aim, and pull the trigger... It's that simple. Well at least for this hand gun, larger guns are a different story." He explained.

I nodded, and rose the gun. I pointed it towards the target, and took a breath. I pulled the trigger, smiling as I looked at the target.

"Bullseye." I smirked, lowering the gun. Dean looked at the target amazed.

"Uh, wow... That's--- amazing. No one ever did that on their first try."

"Well, I broke that streak. Got any other guns? Come on, gimme a challenge." I smiled.

Dean thought for a moment, and went to grab a bigger gun. He came back with a AK-47, and a shotgun. Dean laid them on the table.

"Your pick."

"Um... the AK." He nodded, and handed it to me. I held it and Dean came behind me.

"When you hold this, you have to anchor it on your shoulder or else when you shoot you'll get knocked back." His body was close to mine.

My butt slightly touched the front of his body, as he positioned the gun on my shoulder. Dean placed his hands on my own to help me hold it.

I noticed Robert watching us from behind the glass. He didn't have a pleasant expression.

"And now you can shoot." Dean said, so I pulled the trigger. My bullet was just a few inches from the bullseye.

"Damn it."

"Keep practicing you'll get it." He let go, and gave me my space back. I saw Robert give a glare to Dean, and walk away. I sighed.

"Then practice I shall." Raising the gun to shoot again.

Time skip...

It was time to go after my training day. I feel really proud of myself on my improvements and gun handling. I think I may be really meant for this kind of stuff.

We arrived back at the suite, and the first thing I did was go and get ready to shower.

I grabbed the plush robe, and slipped it over my naked body. Hotel robes are the best robes because they're always so soft.

But before I head to the bathroom, I decided to get some food first. I went to the kitchen and found Robert sitting at the table.

Robert drank a glass of what I believed was wine. I got out some food, and decided to think maybe he wanted some.

"You want some food while it's out?" I asked.

No answer.

I sighed, and decided that maybe it was time to speak my mind.

"Listen, I have no idea why you're not speaking to me, but whatever the reason I'm sure it's trivial and you're just being childish about it." I said a little frustrated.

I saw his facial expression change as if he was thinking of a good response. Then he finally spoke.

"So, trying to do my job correctly is trivial, and I'm being a child about it?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Your job? What does 'your job' have to do with totally acting like I'm not here, like I'm a ghost or something." I waved my hand in the air.

"It has everything to do with it! I need to focus... I need to get this done, can't you see that? And having you here is a honest distraction for me ok." He stared at me.

"You--I... Listen I like you. I made that clear yesterday, and I'll never take that back. But I have a mission, a task. If I don't get this done, I'm cut. I need to get him and protect you, that's my goal, for right now. I can't do that if I'm distracted." He sighed

"You won't be damn it! I'm helping you out, we're in this together now. I'm training, and earning knowledge in this field... Robert please don't be like this."

He ran his hand through his hair frustratedly.

"I--I'm sorry..." Robert said with a pained look on his face. I felt my frustration, and I no longer felt hungry. I just wanted to be by myself.

I left the kitchen without looking back, and headed straight to the bathroom. I turned the water on, and stepped in.

All I could think about is what he said.

Time skip...

I emerged from the shower, and dried myself off. I fixed my hair, and put undies and a bra on. I walked out to the bedroom to find my clothes.

I found them laying on the bed, so put them on. After I did, I felt a two strong arms wrap around my waist. I tensed for a second and turned around. It was Robert.

I tried to look away, but he gently placed his hand on my cheek, and made me look at his handsome face.

"Y/N..." He said in a calm voice. "About earlier--"


"No, let me say this." He began. "Y/N, I took what you said to mind and thought that your point was right. I am just so pressured and-- God I just don't know what I'm doing. I never meant to try and push you away, I just want to take care of this quickly. Now that I see it, we can do this together just like you said. My intention was to protect you..."

Robert looked into my eyes, and I placed my hand on his chest. His hands stayed on my waist.

I had no words, just feelings. I did the only thing that I could respond with.

I placed my lips on his own, and pulled him closer to me. The kiss was slow and sweet. It always seemed perfect.

I broke the kiss, and spoke.

"That's my response..." I said, as he nodded, and gave his smirk. "By the way, I like you too." I smiled.


I need some action or something, I don't wanna bore you guys >.< But, next chap is coming! Please vote and comment ya thoughts :)

-Duckling out^.^

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