Chapter 23: Day 1 (pt.1)

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I woke up next to Robert as the sunshine beamed on my face. I decided to get out of bed, and let Robert sleep.

Today is the beginning of it all. The plan we made will be put in works. We'll take his crew out day by day, leading up to him. Day 4 comes and he's gone.

From what Indio told us, we have to take it by steps. Red is barely left alone, and rarely ever out during the day.

First, the outsiders such as people he's working with. Second, the insiders. Security, money holders, and associated drug lords.

Third, people he's close with like his family. Then fourth and final, he's left all by himself. No protection. No one to save him. Just him, and the barrel of a gun.

And for what he's done for these past years, we'll take his blood money, clean it up, and split it between the three of us. After all, it would call as a job well done.

Seems simple enough, but a task such as this, dealing with a man of his nature won't be easy.

I put on my robe, and walked out the bedroom; heading towards the kitchen. I sat down at the table, and placed my head in my hands.

I heard footsteps walk in the room, but I didn't bother to look up.

"You seem stressed." I heard a voice speak up. I took my head out my hands and looked to my left. It was Indio.

"You can tell?" I gave a light chuckle.

He walked over to me and joined me at the table.

"You know you don't have to be apart of this." He said, looking me in the eye.

"Neither do you, but I guess we're both here for a reason."

"My reason's for getting this shit over and done with. Something I should've done a while back... What's your reason?"

There was a little silence between us. I couldn't get any words out.

"Robert's your reason? Isn't he?" Indio asked.

"Well, he is the only reason I'm still here... but I don't mind being by his side."

Just as Indio was going to say something else, Robert walked in.

"And I don't mind being by yours either." Robert said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. He leaned on the counter and crossed his arms.

"Stop eavesdropping." I chuckled, and Robert laughed.

"Can't help it. But hey, look at the time, it's close to 12. Come on we have to start to set up." He said.

"It's better if we wait a couple of hours. They aren't there till around 3." Indio said, lighting a cigarette.

"They meaning outsiders right?" Robert asked, and Indio nodded. "But where is 'there'?"

"The old warehouse up on Perry Street... Red rarely goes, but he always sends his people to make deals with the outsiders for him there." Indio said, and took a smoke.

We both nodded.

"They meet different people there alot, but the most frequent person they meet with is this dude who works for some top business place or government building. I forgot what place though..."

"Well, what's his name?" Robert asked.

"Some name, I don't fucking know. All I know is that the guy lives in Florida. Red got him a place to stay on Palmer Road, and I know that because I was eavesdropping. I would check it out, but I really don't even care about it."

"But Red or anyone else never really mentioned him. That guy always was kept under the table... Maybe they want to play it safe with him." Indio explained.

"Does he talk about all the other people he made deals with?" I asked.

"Yeah, all of them." Indio tapped the cigarette, and let the ash fall into the ash tray.

I got up from the table, and walked back to the bedroom.

"Y/N!" I heard Robert shout after me, wondering why I left so suddenly, but I opened the bedroom door, and paced around the room.

My mind was running wild with thoughts. I knew I was coming on to something... I just knew it.

The things Indio described to me started to make sense when I remembered what Red told me when I was handcuffed on the floor.


"You and Robert should've been the ones to watch their backs more than me. Betrayal is a sin, and you let it slip past you both. So oblivious to the world around you." He said, walking out the door. I was left to myself.

End flashback

There's only one person that we could've watched out for...

Suddenly, Robert opened the door, and came in.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Why'd you leave so quickly?" He asked. I continued to pace.

"It makes sense.... It makes sense!" I said.

"What? What are you talking about?" He said. Then he grabbed my shoulders to stop me from pacing.

"Red-- He told me. It was subtle, but it all makes sense now!"

"Y/N, Tell me what the hell you're talking about!" Robert began to get impatient.

"Red told me that we were the ones who had to watch out. He was saying we were betrayed, and we didn't realize it. The only person we were talking to and was near us all the time was Jackson... He's the one that Red was talking about." I said.

"It all makes sense. He was working the inside job. He was the one who gave all your information away, that's how they knew your every move... It was a setup the whole time Robert." I finished.

"Wh-- Why would he do that?" Robert asked in disbelief.

"Can't you see? He wanted the glory, he wanted to hold you down. He was willing to do whatever to get that Robert."

Robert looked away, and took a breath. His face changed, and he clenched his jaw.

"What time is it now?" He asked.

"12:02." I responded. He didn't say anything, but he just got up and left the room.


Part 2 is going to be up today! Please vote and comment :)

-Duckling out ^.^

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