Chapter 4: Just Please

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I woke up to a unfamiliar room and bed. I sat up quickly, and looked at my surroundings. I rubbed my head, and sighed.

"What the hell..." I said to myself, as the bathroom door opened, and Robert came out with only a towel on his waist. I cleared my throat, and looked away. Who knew this guy was this chiseled, oh my god he's actually really hot, I thought to myself.

I felt a blush come on until I remembered what happened before I blacked out. I looked back up at him with fury in my eyes.

"You..." I spat.

"What?" He said, running a hand through his wet hair.

"You asshole! You fucking kidnapped me!?" I shouted.

"No, I saved your life... well so far I did." Robert shrugged.

"Oh please, cut the shit."

"There's no shit to cut. I'm not lying about this. I know about that dangerous van, and I saved you from it, so a thank you should be in order for me." He crossed his arms, and leaned on the door. I just stared at him.

"How do you know about the van?"

"You talked about it in the office."

"No I didn't mean how you knew about it, I meant how do you know it's dangerous?" I questioned, with furrowed eyebrows.

"I have my ways..." He shrugged.

"What the hell is going on? Tell me right now or I swear to god."

"One, I will not tell you what's happening for the sake of your anxiety, and two, swearing to God is very unholy."

"Shut up." I said, as he chuckled. I got out of bed, and walked over to him. I stood before him, as our eyes stayed locked on each other.

"Tell. Me." I began. "Or I'm calling the cops."

"Go ahead, need a phone?" His cocked his head to the side.

"Ugh!" I let out a sound of frustration. I stepped closer to him, and gritted my teeth. "I don't know who you really are, and I don't have a god damn clue what's going on, but I'm going to get the fuck out of here."

I turned on my heel, and began to walk out of the room until I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me back gently.

"No you can't leave, it's not safe for you." Robert said, as I saw the care in his eyes.

"The whole world isn't safe, and look I've made it this far." I responded, as Robert sighed.

"Look, you wanna know what's happening? I'll tell you, but you can't leave." He said.

I looked at his brown eyes, and sighed. I looked away, and nodded.

"Fine." I said.

"Meet me downstairs, I'll be down in a minute. I'll tell you everything." He assured. Our bodies were a little close, and I felt his breath tickle my face. I left the room and headed downstairs to the living room to take a seat on the couch.

I waited for Robert for about 5 minutes, until I heard him come down the stairs. He walked over to where I was and joined me on the couch. He wore a t shirt, with jeans.

There was a awkward silence, as we looked at each other. I gave him a come-on-already face, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Ok umm, god how do say this?" Robert began, as he rubbed his forehead. He stopped then looked back at me.

"Ok, so here's what is going on currently. There... is a guy in Florida who is a very wanted criminal, and he has to be caught."

"Ok..." I nodded.

"His name is Fredrick 'Red Bull' Peterson. He's a drug lord, and he is just one of the guys who needs to be killed for the crimes he's committed." He stopped, as I continued to listen.

"And what does this have to do with you?"

"I was just getting to that--"

"Who are you?" I wasted no time I trying to get my answer.

Robert paused, and looked away.

"I am, a trained hitman that works for the United States Government." He said, as he looked back at me. My eyes widened, as I made a what-did-you-say face.

"What? So, you're not a regular white collar... you lied."

"No it's not considered lying, it's a disguise."

"So you're like a assassin."

"No I'm a hitman. Come on stay focused. I had to hide my true identity, I can't have people know."

"Then why the hell am I in the mix of this shit!?" I said.

"Because the night you picked me up, and took me home they were following me. And by they, I mean Red Bull and his crew. Somehow he knows I'm assigned to kill him. When they saw me with you, you instantly became the secondary target. Which leads to why you can't leave my sight. If you leave then the risk of you dying is greater." He explained.

I just sat there and comprehended what I was hearing. I quickly stood up.

"This is so fucked up! So now I can't leave and go out places and work because now I have to worry about getting killed! Fucking hell!" I shouted, as Robert stood up, and placed both of his hands on my arms as he tried to calm me.

"Listen to me, listen! If you just trust me, then at the end of this you'll be able to go wherever the hell you want without worry, but until then I have to protect you." He said, as we stood chest to chest. "I promise nothing will happen to you. Just trust me, I swear."

"How can I trust you huh? Tell me how."

"Y/N just please..." He said, with caring eyes. I looked away, and sighed. I loosened his grip on my arms, and walked away from him; going back upstairs to the bedroom.

I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my palms, as I thought about what happened.


Hope you guys liked it! A new chapter is coming soon. If you liked this please vote and comment!

-Duckling out ^.^

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