Chapter 19: Red

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My eyes fluttered open. I looked towards a white wall and tried to get up. Until I noticed I was handcuffed to a bolted down table. I brought my knees up on my chest and winced at the pain on stomach.

My stomach was wrapped up in white tape, and I realized I had different clothes on.

The room I was in was quite small, and completely empty. I sighed, wriggling my arm as I tried to break the cuffs.

Suddenly, the door in front of me began to slowly open. The door was opened wide, and a man stood before me.

"Ah, you're awake." He said, walking towards me. He stopped right in front of me, as I looked up at him. (Pic above is what he looks like)

"Who are you." I said, with anger.

"Fredrick, and you must be--"

"Get away from me!" I spat. He kneeled down to reach my eyes.

"No no, I'm here to stay." He smiled. "But you know who won't be?" He asked. "Come on take a guess."

"Fuck you." I gave a death glare.

"So rude... But Robert should've been your first guess." He said, as I tried to punch him in the face, but the handcuffs restricted me.

"Where is he!"

"Don't worry he's fine for now, at least." Fredrick stood back up.

"You really think you're gonna hurt him? Kill him? You stand no chance... You can take his wife, his weapons, but you could never ever break him down." I shook my head.

"Oh how you kiss ass--" He chuckled.

"No I don't!" I shouted, breathing heavily. "You won't win, or even last another breath! Your life, and every bit of what you so called earned will go down the drain..."

"Great men will always last. Just look at all I've done. Men like Robert are the ones who dwindles." He scoffed.

"Greatness isn't measured by what you accomplished, it's measured by the oppositions you overcome to reach your goals." I looked at him.

"You've been through nothing but trade deals on crack cocaine and other drugs. Receiving dirty money you try to clean by hiding them in foreign banks."

"Robert is more of a man then you'll ever be. He earned his way with what he has the right way, and Robert has integrity for what he does. The real man who dwindles is you, Mr. Peterson. And you better watch your back for what's to come because I have a feeling you won't be here long." I finished, still glaring intensely.

Red stayed silent for a moment.

"You speak so freely from the side of your neck it's ridiculous." He shook his head, and turned to leave.

Before he left, he looked over his shoulder at me.

"You and Robert should've been the ones to watch their backs more than me. Betrayal is a sin, and you let it slip past you both. So oblivious to the world around you." He said, walking out the door. I was left to myself.

Betrayal? He out of anyone else was the betrayer! From what Robert told me. How dare he even bring the word forth!?

Fredrick's (Red) POV

I walked down the hallway, and I saw Indio coming out one of the soundproof rooms.

"Hey, I was just going to look for you." Indio said, walking beside me.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering what we were going to do with Robert?" He took out a cigarette. "The dude looks half dead." Indio lit the cig, and began to smoke.

"Don't worry about him. I got it." We stopped walking. "You did good son... Go and have some fun. You're off for the day." I said.

I reached in my pocket and took out my wad of money. I handed Indio 15 one hundred dollar bills. He took them, and I patted him on the shoulder.

"My courtesy--"

"I can't possibly take all this, come on." He shook his head.

"I said it's my courtesy." I assured him. "Paint the town."

Indio gave a light chuckle, and nodded. He walked away, and my phone rang. I took my phone out and answered it.

"Hey." I said.

"You know what I'm calling for man..."

"Don't worry, I'm telling you you'll have your money in no time." I looked around.

"You better, I helped you out this month."

"Relax, I got it all under control."

"Alright, I'm trusting you." There was a pause. "I gotta go, I'll stay in touch."

"Okay, bye."

I hung up, and sighed.

Such betrayal...


Red has been revealed! Finally lol. His character is played by Sean Penn.

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-Duckling out ^.^

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