Chapter 13: Blow

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Robert and I were back to our hotel suite. He sat at his desk, as I sat on the living room couch. The suite was quiet.

After Rob mentioned that guy Quintin to Jackson, J immediately started running files on him after we left. He ordered us back here because we had to give him some time with Quintin's files. We'll probably be informed tommorow.

But for Robert, he looks like he can't wait. He looks like he's gonna let this  kill him, mentally and physically. Well, I don't blame him, considering what is happening right now. I'm sure his thoughts are consumed with this situation.

I stood up, and slowly walked over to him. I stopped, and gently hugged him from behind.

"I'm sorry..." I began. "Everything will be ok."

Robert stayed staring at the wall opposite to him.

"I hope so." He said, gently rubbing my arm. "I really do." His voice was soft.

I gently turned his chair towards me.

"Robert, I can't let you stay like this. They've got it under control, ok?" He pulled me down on his lap slowly; as I straddled him. I held his head in my hands, and kissed his forehead.

Robert kissed me on the lips and massaged my thighs.

"Isn't there a casino here?" I asked, breaking the kiss.

"Yeah, why?" He said, with a questioning look on his face.

"Because you need to get your mind off of this for a while. I can tell this is killing you."

"Y/N..." He began, but I butted in.

"Nope, I'm not taking no, or any other rejections for a answer." I stood up, and I grabbed his hands gently. Robert stood up lazily.

"Are you really about to take me to a casino?" He whined.

"Isn't that what I said?" I said, smirking as I cocked my head to the side.

"I can't believe this..." He shook his head and sighed. "Nope, I'm not going."

"Oh yes you are." I led led him to the closet to change.

"No way in hell..."

Time skip...

"Ohh! Third time's the charm!" Robert shouted in happiness, after he won a game of dice. I stood next to him drinking my champagne, as he placed another bet.

"Gimme four million." Robert said, placing his chips down on the table. I nearly choked on my drink.

"Four million! Are you crazy!?" I said in his ear. "Two million was enough."

"You wanted me out here, and now I'm here. So let me place the bets darling." He said, kissing my cheek.

Robert grabbed the dice, and shook them in his hand. He held his hand to my face, and cocked his eyebrow.

"Would you do the honors?" He asked, smirking.

"I am not... going to blow on your dice." I rolled my eyes, taking another sip.

"Come on, make my luck." He said. I paused for a moment, then gave in. I blew my breath on his hand, as if it was a birthday candle.

"That's not the only thing you'll be blowing on..." He said under his breath, throwing the dice onto the table.

I smacked his arm playfully, and shook my head.

"So inappropriate..." I took a breath.

Robert pulled me close, and gave me another kiss.

"Dice rolled a twelve. Mr. Downey wins again." The host said, wiping the chips away back to Robert's side of the table.

Rob turned to face the people watching, and gave a 'I'm sorry' look.

"I'm just too good." He shrugged, as the people clapped.

"Not without your lucky--" I said close to his ear. "--Blow." My hand trailed down his body slowly, stopping at his belt. Robert cleared his throat, and fixed his collar.

"Umm, wanna go to the bar?" He asked, trying to play it cool.

"Sure." I agreed.

Time skip...

We sat at the bar, and talked for a little while. We had multiple drinks, but nothing too strong.

"--so, where did you get all that money from?" I asked. "If you don't mind me asking..."

Robert placed his drink down.

"Oh, I don't mind. Umm, it's the gov's money. They literally supply me with everything." He shrugged. "Well, ok not entirely. Some is my money, along with the mix, but yeah the majority is supplied by them."

"Hmm..." I nodded.

"Yeah, my life and earnings revolves around all this actually." He ate the pineapple that was placed on the rim of his glass.

"Do you ever get tired of it? Or maybe, will get tired of it?" I asked, taking a sip.

"Nononono, I would never get tired of this. Come on, I told you my story, right? There was nothing for me on the streets of New York, this was and will always be the best thing that happened to me." Robert explained.

I nodded.

"That and something-- Well, someone  else but we're not gonna talk about that right this second." He said.

"Well, why not?" I'm smiled. I think I know what he's thinking.

"Because right now... I want another drink." He waved for the bartender to come over.

"Come on, gimme a hint."

He paused for a second, and looked into my eyes.

"You really wanna know who?" Robert asked, leaning closer to me. I nodded, and he smirked.

"I'm looking at her." Robert said.

Unknown POV

"It's all here! Printed! Now give me my god damn money! I don't understand why you needed these anyways!" I yelled, at his face as I slammed the papers down on the table.

He sat at his huge desk, with his hands folded.

"Now, don't get all angry on me big guy. Remember I got your life back on track ever since you got fired." He said, leaning back.

"Just. Pay Me. And I'll leave you alone, for the last time now." I said, staring him deep in his eyes.

"Ok. Fine you want your money?" He tossed a duffle bag towards me. "Then, take it."

I picked it up, and began to walk out the room, but his voice stopped me.

"Hey..." He began, as I turned to face him. His gun was pointed in my direction. "It was nice doin' business with you." He smiled.



Ooo, who do you think the unknown person was?

Leave ur comments below, and pls vote guys 🤗

-Duckling out ^.^

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