summer nostalgia

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oh, the sweet summer heat
salty ocean breezes
and sun kissed skin
from june to august we rejoice
with hot sand in our toenails and
sunglasses on our noses
obligations in the backs of our minds
song lyrics on the tips of our tongues

we count constellations
and stay up past midnight
smelling fresh flowers
and whispering secrets
without a care in the world

oh, the sweet summer heat
the sluggish loneliness of summertime
oh, the cruelty of summer
sunshine burning innocent skin
salty tears slipping down dry cheeks
ocean waves crashing against seashores
thunderstorms rattling across clear skies

days come and go
and the illusion of time is obvious
as calendar pages are flipped
and children weep as school draws near

oh, the sweet summer heat
replaced by mellow autumn
filled with warm tones and pumpkin spice
crushed leaves and cool breezes

oh, the sweet summer heat
i miss you with a palpable nostalgia
yet when you come i wish for you to go.

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