
16 3 1

*tw: bad parent, profanity*

i'll never know who you truly are
you're a pathetic excuse of a puzzle
taped up incorrectly to look like it's
put together. i don't think you'll ever
know me, either. isn't it sad? isn't it
tragic? i idolized you as a child but
now that i'm older i can see how poorly
you've constructed yourself. i can see
your mask that makes you human and
not robotic. presents the illusion of
emotions. no mask can convey the
illusion of a good parent, though.

sadly that's one thing you've never
been able to fake. you can defend
yourself with countless lies and craft
the perfect alibis, but never will
you find a way to seem like the perfect
father, without action. without truth.
you can see us on the weekends and
take us out and make us laugh, but
this fucked up puzzle that is you seems
to be missing some pieces. you've
half-assed it and cut shapes out of
paper but they'll never be the same.
you'll always be incomplete and
unreliable and this is all that
i know for sure about you.

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