this universe

17 3 0

*tw: profanity, existential crisis*

i know that time is an illusion
but i also know that according
to the string theory there's a
universe where i helped you
when you needed me and
none of this ever happened

god, i fucking hate clocks.
clocks and calendars and
how far away you are from
me and how i don't even
know if you're okay and
how i could have been
there for you but i wasn't

i'll count the minutes
hours and days until
i can see you again
and apologize and hug
you and make sure you
know that i'll always
be there from now on

maybe i can't change
the fact that i didn't do
everything that i could have
but i can make sure that i
make up for it

i know that time is an illusion
but i also know that according
to the string theory there's a
universe where i helped you —

but it was impossible.
in this universe, it
was impossible.

but i will fix this and i will
leap into action once again
and i will put others beside
myself instead of putting
one in front of the other
and i will be the friend that
i was before in order to
set this universe straight
and feel okay again

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