Chapter One

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*Leah's PoV*

I took a deep breath of fresh air, exiting the plane. The only reason I liked this plane flight was because Corbyn and I talked. He didn't care that I never talked, and that's what made him my best friend. Everyone I tried to make friends with ended up being fakes and not wanting to become friends due to me not having a voice. As soon as I exited the plane, I watched to luggage claim and searched for my two suitcases. After 5 minutes of waiting and searching I found them squished in between someone else. I rolled my eyes before walking over to them and pulling them out, just as my phone rang. I pulled out my phone to see whoever called me, ended the call as a text popped up on my phone. And of course it was my bestest friend in the world, Ayla.

AylaTheCucumber - Where are you? I'm waiting outside with an uber ready. Hurry up cause he said he isn't gonna wait ten minutes for you.

LeahOreo - Sorry small cucumber, I just got off my plane and got my luggage. Tell him I will be out in less than five minutes, I'm already walking to the entrance threw the crowd of horny teenagers, and creepy ass adults.

AylaTheCucumber - Okay, he said five minutes. Nothing more. Hurry up! I'll see you soon Oreo!

Yeah, I know. We made nicknames for each other. You might be wondering why food names? Well, when I got Ayla's number and she got mine, I was eating a pack of oreos and for some odd reasons Ayla was eating a cucumber with ranch dressing on it from her salad. We are weird. I know. I get it from my brothers and she gets it because she is always with my obnoxious brother. Anyway, I pushed myself threw the crowd, finally making it outside only having to push threw another crowd again. But soon I saw Ayla racing to me. "Leah!" She squealed loudly as soon as she was only a couple feet away from me. "Hurry! The driver saw you so he is waiting. He was about to leave!" She squealed as she grabbed one of the bags I was struggling to roll. I rolled my eyes, and didn't write anything. I had to much stuff. I watched as Ayla began rolling my bag towards a black truck, with white markings. I laughed at the color choices before following her. Even though I was a 'mute', I could still talk if I wanted. So I only laughed cause I only talk to people I trust, literally. That would take 214 bullets for me.

We soon reached the truck as I took my bags and placed them in the back, before Ayla failed at opening the door. I rolled my eyes with another laugh before opening it for her to which she thanked me and jumped in. Curse her god darn shortness. I soon jumped in after her and heard the driver let out a sigh of relief. "Took you long enough" He muttered when I shut the door. Soon enough we where on our way to Logan's aparement. Here I come, Motherfucker.

When we arrived at the aparement, I was not surprised to see that my idiot brother was not home, but a small adorable puppy was. Ayla had told me that it was Logan's pupper, and his name was Kong. Ahh, I can't believe my brother can take care of two animals! He can't even take care of himself, let along a fucking dog and a fucking super loud bird. I look at Ayla who's holding up Kong and making baby faced at him. We both stop what we were doing when we heard Logan's aparement door open. "Who's here?" He called out, before fully walking in. Protective mode. But happiness faded into his eyes when he saw me. "LEAH!" He yelled excitedly, racing over to me. A laugh escaped my lips as I was englulfed into my brothers arms. I never noticed the 5 boys who where watching in amusement.

When he let me go, I flipped to a fresh page in my notebook before writing. 'Wassup Big Bro?' and showing him. I watched him get confuse as he read. Before he could ask why I didn't talk, Ayla rushed to my side. "Logan, I swear. I will make sure I get custody of Kong if you ask her why she isn't talking" The four foot girl looked at Logan as she stood by my side. I watched him raise his arms in surrended. "You got alot of explaining to do sis" He spoke up with concern.

Twitter: roadie_a

The Mute Paul \\ Zach Herron // FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now