Chapter Four

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*Leah's PoV*

You know how I said I know how to talk, well I do. But the only way I talk is if I am alone. I only talk when I am alone because I am practicing my words since I haven't talked since I was 9. Before I turned 18 is when I wanted to began talking. That was my goal for the future. To talk. I know, most people would think it's a stupid goal but they don't understand this mute life! I spoke softly, knowing that Ayla was home. I didn't want her to know I was practicing talking because the more you think of it, the more it sounds like I am a 1 year old learning to speak. And plus, she would be the first person I tell when I do learn words.

Logan had to go film Logan VS, Corbyn was now in NY visiting his girlfriend, Jonah and Jack where most likely raiding candy stores and Daniel and Zach where most likely. Well, I don't really know what they could be doing. I let a sigh escape my lips as I read the sentences of the book out loud but softly. It seemed as time passed quickly because soon enough I was walking around L.A with my older brother, Jake, Ericka, Kade, the Martinez twins, Chance and Anthony, Nick Tessa, Alex, Max and Chad. Out of everyone in Team 10 these where the people who actually didn't care that I never talked. The others either hated me in general, or didn't want to be friends with me because I couldn't talk.

When I told Jake the story of how I became mute, he instantly became guilty and started apologizing alot. I told him it was fine but he didn't stop. Currently, I was on Kade's back, for a piggy back ride as Jake recorded it for a transaction. I quickly wrote something on the paper and handed it to Jake as he read it outloud. 'Can I go on Chad's back. He actually ran most the way while Kade was a slow pig. No offense K" He laughed after and nodded before shouting for Chad to let me get on his back. Soon enough, I was on Chad's shoulders, him grabbing my legs as  tried to stay on while putting my arms in the air. Chad was literally sprinting which made me laugh and flick him in the head sometimes.

That's when I saw all the Why Don't We boys, minus Corbyn, singing something as Manager Jeff was recording them. I flicked Chad's head and he looked up at me before I pointing at the 4 boys and Manager Jeff. Chad looked over at them and I saw his raise an eyebrow but he walked over to them. "Wassup friends of Jakes sister!" Chad yelled which caused me to facepal with a free hand. Jack was the first one to notice us, and he nudged Zach who also looked over. "Hey look! Its Leah! And one of jakes friends!" Jonah yelled and pointed at us. Yup, someone definitely went to the candy store.

I raised one of my eyebrows before jotting something in the little notebook I carried around when we went somewhere. I quickly wrote 'Who let this kid have candy?' and made an airplane before throwing it at Zach. He yelped when he felt something hit his forehead. He looked up and leaned down before grabbing the paper airplane and opening it to read it.  He quickly burst out laughing as he pointed at Jack. I turned towards the noodle haired boy and glared at him. "I didn't do nothing!" He spoke up quickly. I quickly jumped off Chad's back. I could tell Jack didn't do nothing. I knew Daniel didn't either cause he posted a cover earlier. I looked at Zach he he began running. I quickly race after him.


Twitter: roadie_a

The Mute Paul \\ Zach Herron // FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now