Chapter Eight

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*Zach's PoV*

I was ready to hurt Jake, Anthony and Chance. They hurt Leah! Well, mostly Jake because he was her brother. Yeah, you caught me. I like Leah. But I know Logan would literally kill me. He thinks if she dates someone, then they are just gonna use her for fame because she is related to the Paul brothers. So for now, I am just gonna make sure Leah is always okay and try to gain the role as 'The Best Friend' or something higher if that was possible. When we got back to Logan's apartment with Leah we weren't surprised to see Logan pacing back and fourth. But why is he so early? Didn't he say he was gonna come tomorrow because we was recording an episode of Logan Paul VS? When he saw Leah he quickly rushed over to the three of us. "Thanks guys, Jake should have never said that!" He motioned towards Jonah and I before looking at Leah. Her face was red and it looked like she had been crying or was about to cry, just like when we picked her up.

Logan quickly outstretched his arms and gave Leah a hug. I watched the two hug with a soft smile on my face. The thing that hurt me the most was Leah's whimpers. I watched as Logan picked up Leah gently before walking towards her room. I watched as Jonah went to sit on the couch, I followed after him and ran a hand threw my gelled up hair. "Dude, Logan is gonna beat the sh!t out his brother.. What are we gonna do?" I heard hum mumble, some curse words following after his sentence in a hushed whisper. "I don't know dude, but I really wanna punch something right now" I heard Logan's loud voice coming towards us. I perked and turned on the couch to see Logan walking out of Leah's room before he came and sat next to us on the couch. I heard him sigh softly as he sat and turned to look at Jonah and I. "Really guys, thank you. If you got there a couple minutes later she most likely would be in the hospital" Logan spoke up softly, like it was a harsh topic. "Logan, if you don't mind me asking, What do you mean 'At the hospital?" I heard Jonah speak up, causing me to sit up straighter.

Logan let out another sigh threw his lips. "When Jake and I moved to Los Angelos I would get calls from my mom saying how Leah would get bad nightmares of us getting hurt badly, or people bullying her to meet us" He spoke up and I nodded for him to coutunie. "Even though the first nightmare didn't come true the second one did. Fans kept asking to get attention for us, and tried to be her fake friend to get closer to us. She met Ayla a couple years before I met her, on instagram. The two dmed each other every night and day talking. Ayla was her only true friend that didn't give a crud that her brothers were famous" He countinued to speak. "So, when she would deny frienships in school, or basically anything the bullying got physical. She would end up cutting her wrists when she got home from school. Our mom found her doing it a couple times and always rushed her to the hospital. So when she did it more than 2 times she hid a camera in each bathroom. Obvious, Leah didn't know. She cut herself everyday.." He finished off, teary eyed.

I looked at Jonah to see his brown orbs wide, and most likely my eyes where tearing up. That's why Leah was really shy to people she didn't know. She would have been shy to us if Logan didn't say that he knowed us and they were not strangers. Poor Leah, she never deserved any of this. "Wow...I never knew that" I murmmered out softly, looking up at Logan to see a tear running down his face. I have never seen Logan cry since I had known him, he was a tough man from what everyone knew. "So when Jake said those things, and Leah sent me those texts in the groupchat, I quickly came back home. Trying not to drive to the Team 10 house and punch one of them" I heard Logan speak again. "She never told no one. Ayla was the only one she spoke to about it, So when she heard something about it..During the time she knew me she quickly told me as soon as she got the text or call." Logan finished. "Oh my gosh" Jonah mumbled under his breath, quickl standing up. "Do you want me to tell the rest of the boys?" I asked Logan who nodded his head.

I quickly got my phone out and called Daniel. When he answered I heard confusion in her first sentence. "Yo Zach, what's up?" I heard Daniel's voice threw the phone. "Come to Logan's house right now, he needs to tell you and Jack something. We will tell Corbyn when he gets back from NY with Christina" I rushed into the phone. The line went dead which most likely meant that Team Janiel was on it's way. Sometimes I really think Noodle Boy and Giraffe Boy have feelings for each other! I want Janiel to happen so bad..I ship it. Don't judge me. They would look cute together, right? Anywho..15 minutes later a knock was heard on the apartment door. Logan got up from the couch and quickly walked to open the door, revealing Jack and Daniel. "Come on guys..We got news" Jonah spoke up next to me. Logan lead Janiel back to the room and started explaining the story of how he was surprised his sister was not in the hospital after what had just happened an hour ago.

The Mute Paul \\ Zach Herron // FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now