Chapter six

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Thank you guys for all the support. If any of you know writing sites that I can put this book on, except Quotev and Wattpad, comment down below. I would love to get this fanfiction everywhere I can. To me,I didn't even think it would get over 10 reads, but in just a couple days look where this book is! And Im thankful, to you for actually liking this and reading it. Now, if you have any idea's for this story can you comment. I don't want Zach and Leah to date in the first 10 chapters. And trust me I have seen it before. The author makes the characters date in the first 2 chapters. No offense though, I read everyones books. But im currently stuck in a writers block and need help. Also, what other stories do you wanna see? Lets also just say the martinez twins are 17 in this and Ayla is 18 turning 19! Makes it easy for me because I know people gonna be like 'Why is a 15 turning 16 year old being shipped with an 18 year old' or 'Why is Ayla being shipped with a 19 year old when she is 24'

~ Sophia


*Leah's PoV*

I huffed in annoyance, still holding Kong as Ayla put the leash back onto the collar. She quickly grabbed the ends as I stooped hugging Kong and placed him on the green grass. I looked up to see a friends hands. Ahh, guess who it was. Manager Jeff! My boy! I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand as he pulled me up swiftly. Moving my hand away quickly I wiped off the dirt that was on my bum and on my clothing. "Someone please explain why Leah had to tackle Kong?" Jack's voice rang threw the air. I looked over at the 5 singers, actually wait 4. Corbyn hasn't come back yet? Noooo, my bean friend!

"Uhm, no reason!" I heard Ayla chuckle out, obviously nervous because she usually giggled or laugh. Never have I heard her 'chuckle' in her life. I watched as the boys eyes narrowed at us, along with Manager Jeffs. I quickly grabbed my small notebook from my jeans pocket and flipping to a fresh page before writing quickly, not caring if it wasn't neat. 'Okay! Okay! You caught us! Ayla and I were walking Kong, I guess with all the noises we did not hear Kong somehow manage to get his leash of his collar and he well, ran!' I quickly folded it into a paper airplane and throwing it at noodle head. I watched as he caught it before reading it and passing it to Daniel. Awhh cute, I ship it, but what sounds better? ##Janiel or #Dack?

I laughed softly when I saw Daniel's eyes widen before he passed it to Jonah and Zach. "We gotta tell Loga-" Daniel was cut off by me running at him and tackling him. I pushed him, someone, to the ground and shook my head. Ayla laughed. "Daniel she means that I won't be able to watch Kong anymore if you tell Logan, and he most likely will be mad at Leah, for a couple months again and make her live with Jake. Then Jake, because he called you a Wal-Mart 1 direction, will most likely not let her hang out with you guys, and most likely will try to play match maker and make her try to date one of the Martinez twins, who she hates with a passion" I heard Ayla explain. Wait, how did she know that? I growled at Daniel in a sarcastic manner before getting off him, wiping his giraffee germs of my clothes before walking back to Ayla with a smirk. I turned to the boys to see Jonah and Jack's mouths open, Zach humming as if he did not want to listen and Daniel just starting to get up.

"Well, we must be off!" I heard Ayla speak up quickly as she began walking away quickly. Does my girl gotta crush on someone? Ooooh! I gotta find out who it is. I waved at the boys before racing off after her, not wanting to cause myself any more embarrassment if I stayed there longer. I finally reached Ayla to see her face a bright red, which caused me to smirk. I quickly tapped her shoulder, writing something in my notebook before showing it to her. 'Who do you like, don't try to deny it' She laughed after her eyes scanned the paper. "Fine, I like one of the boys but if I tell you who, don't tell your brother. He would kill me" She spoke up as I motioned for her to countinue with my hands. "I kinda like Jonah?" She spoke very softly, normal people would not hear her. But since I am not normal I heard her perfectly fine. A squeal came out of my mouth as I jumped up with excitement. I can finally be match maker. I can see them two together. A tall boy and a very short girl. Cute! Hey, don't judge me, like I said. I am not normal!

I squealed again. Ayla looked at me with the WTF face. I smirked and turned around before racing back to where the boys where now standing. I could hear Ayla chase after me which caused me to run faster. While running I quickly wrote in my notebook 'Jonah, I know who likes you!' I quickly tore the paper off the notebook before crumpling it into a ball. Football skills did come in handy and I wanted to use them now. I quickly tossed it at Jonah, who let it fall to the floor before picking up from the grass. I watched as Ayla huffed when she saw him read it. 'I only told him I know someone who has a crush o him. It could be anyone that I know, It could be Logan if he was gay' I wrote on a piece of paper before showing Ayla who nodded in relief.

The boys where to busy paying attention to the letter to notice Ayla race off, and Jonah's bright red face.

The Mute Paul \\ Zach Herron // FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now