• Chapter 1 •

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Running through the woods of my packs territory, I feel free and rebellious as I run with my friends

Ready for tonight Alpha? My beta, Leilani says
Of course. Tonight is when I'll be announced as Alpha of the Greyson pack.
Damn right. Just don't create any stupid laws just so you can have your way okay?
Shut up! One perk of being Alpha, you can get out anything duh!
Preach it Alpha!

I barked out a laugh as we shift back to our human selves.

"Alright lets go get cleaned up so you wouldn't be smelling," Lei says and I rolled my eyes as she drags me inside to get ready.


After what feels like a decade, Lei and the rest of the girls are ready as they told me to put the dress on.
The dress, the one my mother has put on for her ceremony, the very same one that I wasn't allowed to see until I was old enough, the time has come as I feel tears spilling from my eyes. I couldn't believe how beautiful it looks.

"Well put it on," Silver says and I nod as I quickly changed into the dress.
My breath stalled as I spin in the dress, smiling and giggling.
"You look amazing honey," my mum says and I smiled as I give her another another spin. "I'm very proud of you honey,"
"Thanks mum," I said as I see that everyone is staring at me "alright not a word from none of ya. I know how I look and all, so let's get this show on the road eh?"
Everyone nods their heads as they all head outside, where both my ceremony and reception will be held.


"Repeat after me," our eldest Alpha council says and I nod "I, Elena Rosalie Greyson, promise to uphold the legacy of an Alpha. I solemnly promise that I will do what's best for my pack and lead them just like the previous Alpha has. I promise I will try my best to right my wrongs and if anything goes down the wrong path, then I shall thrive to make everything better. I will defend the Constitution of the Alphas against all enemies; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. So help me God."

Everyone started to clap their hands, applauding me as I accept my new role in my pack. I will be their leader, the person they run to for help and guidance. I smile thinking that for once I can and will make a change in this world.


Everyone congratulates me as the reception begins and I thank them, dismissing their use of formal language. Tonight they won't need to use it.

I see that everyone is having a good time, laughing and dancing and drinking. It makes my heart swell to see the people I love happy and enjoying themselves.
Before I knew it, dinner was being served so we gathered around the big table and said our grace before digging in.
As for the rest of the night, everyone wanted a dance or to talk with me. I didn't care just as long as everyone was enjoying themselves.


The next morning I rose to my mother waking me up telling me I need to wear something formal since I have my first official meeting as Alpha in 20 minutes. Which means no breakfast! Ugh!

I head to the conference room where I see Alpha George Hewitt and Alpha Mason Gregory. Along with them are their betas.
"Good morning everyone," I addressed them and they curtly nod at them "so what has brought you gentlemen here on this fine morning?"
"Well we would like to congratulate you on your new title as Alpha. And we are sorry that we couldn't make it to your ceremony, we heard it was very pleasant," Alpha George says and I smile "but we are not here to talk about your ceremony so let's get down to business,"
"Jesus George you don't want to scare her, I'm pretty sure she has a lot on her plate," Alpha Mason says "we just want to make sure that what we had plan with your father would stay the same, now that he stepped down,"
"And what plan would this be?" I asked and Mason pulls some papers out, proving that if Mason's and George's packs ever go into war, they have my pack's alliance and it's the same for mine. I heard my father talking about this with my mum and how he was worried. Maybe after this I'll talk to my father about this. "So if this 'war' were to ever happen, you want my pack to stand before you, backing you up?"
They both nod their heads as I continue to read more
"And would this be the same for my pack if I were to ever need you?" I asked and they nod "okay then well, nothing has change, you have my pack's alliance."
"Good then I guess that concludes to our meeting Alpha Elena," George says and I nod as I shake both their hands. Seems to me that George was a little eager to leave.
"Excuse him," Mason says and I arch a brow "he found his mate yesterday and well you know how that goes,"
"Ah I see now," I said and he nods "have you found yours yet?"
"No ma'am. Not yet at least," he says and I smile "if you don't mind me asking, but have you?"
"No but I'm pretty confident he's out there," I said and he smiles
"Just gotta keep looking right?" He says and I nod as I walk him out.

"Good meeting?" Mum asks and I nod as I follow her into the kitchen "eat something then meet your father in the training rooms,"
"Okay," I said as I grabbed an apple and headed to where I was suppose to be.

"Ah right on time," my father says as I see that he's not alone. More Alpha's are in here to, it's like an Alpha party and I wasn't aware it was happening!
"What's going on dad?" I asked and he smiles
"As Alpha, you have to keep up your physique." He says as I keep looking at him strangely "just humor me hon okay?"
I nod as he tells me to get into formation. He was the first one to throw the first punch and I blocked it.
"Elena hit back," he says and I think he must've gone crazy
"I'm not going to hit you," I protested and he sighs
"You have to now go," he says and I throw a weak punch "Elena I know you can do better than that,"
"Dad!" I protested and before he could say anything, someone interrupts him.
"Maybe she needs a real opponent who isn't her love one?" A deep voice says and my jaw drops realizing who it belonged to. Hunter Drakos. The scariest and ruthless killer who happens to be an Alpha.
"No way I'm fighting you," I said and he chuckles
"What? Scared to actually get hurt?" He remarks and I glared at him.
"No I figured you wouldn't want your ego to be hurting if you got beaten by a girl," I shot back and he stops laughing and smirks
"Feisty. I like feisty. Lets see what you got little girl." He says and I rolled my eyes.
"Fine. Just don't cry when I beat you," I retorted and he scoffs as I try to throw a punch towards his stomach but he grabs my wrist and pulls me close to his chest
"You call yourself an Alpha? You're way to predictable," he says and I rolled my eyes as I try again but every time I throw a punch he counters. I tried again and he just tosses me to the ground.

"You done playing around? Or is this the best you got?" He remarks

Getting annoyed, he lets himself get distracted so I use that opportunity to jump onto his back and try to put him in a chokehold but my plan fails as he flips me onto my back. Losing my breath, I see his hand as he offers and I take it.
He pulled me so close to his chest that I could smell cinnamon and woods.

I look into his eyes and before I could react, my life just flashed before my eyes. The flowers. A white dress. Everyone clapping. The Mate symbol on my neck. Everything. I was only brought back to reality when he whispers something.


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