• Chapter 24 •

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I am bouncing with excitement as I wait for a nurse to call me in and reveal me the gender of my baby. I am hoping for a girl just so I can win the bet I have going on with Hunter Jess and Lei. They are saying my baby is a boy but today will prove them wrong.

"Alpha and Luna?" A nurse calls us in and Hunter helps me up as I waddle inside. My stomach is the size of a watermelon!

I get help hopping up onto the table, the nurse asks me the same questions like every visit I get.

"Alrighty Luna Dr. Robins will be right in with you," She says and I nod as she disappears out the door.

"Ready to lose the bet?" I said and he smirks as he kisses me on the temple
"Baby girl I won't rub it in your face cause I don't want you to cry but I know in fact that our baby is a boy," He remarks and I scoff as the doctor walks in smiling.

"Good morning Alpha and Luna," she says and I smiled "how are we doing?"
"Just well," I said and she nods as she continues with her questions.
"Well if you have no more questions, Luna will you please lift your shirt for me," She says and I nod as she puts gloves on "fair warning the gel I'm putting on is slightly cold,"
"Okay," I said as I jump. She wasn't kidding when she says it's cold.

"As you can see, this is- Wow" she says and I get all alert. Maybe there's something wrong with my baby I get all panicky
"Doctor Robins what's wrong?" Hunter asks and she sees the worry in our eyes and she smiles
"There's nothing wrong. However you are not having just one baby but you're having twins!" She says and I let out a sigh of relief... wait what?!?! Twins?!?!?!!
"Come again?" I said and she points out on the screen the two pairs of arms and legs and the two heads. "Oh my God!"
"Looks like you're having a boy and a girl!" Robins says and I squealed as I bounce with enjoyment.
"Elena you heard me said it before but you'll hear me say it again. Thank you so much baby girl for giving me the gift of life. I am so happy that I am honored to have you as my wife and mate." Hunter says letting tears go as he kisses me. "I love you so much babe,"
"I love you too," I said as he wipes the gel off and we accept the pictures the doctors offer us and we headed home where we soon to share the news and I get to win the bet.


Everyone was happy to hear that I am having twins and they're a boy and a girl however the bet was a draw considering I'm having both.

We are in the living room watching the game when my eyes catches Lei being cozy with Dax. Which makes me wonder if my suspicions are true, are they mates?
Lei catches me staring and she blushes and shakes her head.

I motioned my head to the kitchen and she follows as I get me a cup of orange juice.

"You okay Elena?" She asks and I know she's deflecting the topic
"So what's going on between you and Dax?" I asked and she blushes
"Nothing," She says immediately and I give her a look "Okay fine I've been fretting on how I was going to tell you and Hunter but we are mates!"
I squealed which sent Hunter running into the kitchen along with everyone else
"What's wrong? Are you okay? What about the babies?" He asks and I smiled. Ever since we found out my pregnancy, that's all he could think about me and the baby's safety. Who could blame him right?

"We are okay babe. Lei just told me exciting news that's all," I said and he nods as he rubs and kisses my stomach.
"Alright well me and the guys are gonna play ball," He says and we nod as we put on our jackets and sat on the benches on the porch while they separated into teams.


Later that day, I was in the middle of my nap when I felt butterflies moving.

"Elena what's wrong?" Hunter asks and when I didn't speak he forces me to face him as I clutch my stomach. "Is it the baby? Should I take you to the Hosptal? Call our doctor? Talk to me baby,"
"I think our babies are moving," I said and I squealed as I felt one of them kick. I grabbed Hunter's hand and placed it where they kicked and he jumps the moment his hand rests above my stomach.
His eyes widen as he waits for another kick and he smiles as he bends to his knees and kisses my stomach as he starts to talk to them.

"Hey my babies it's your father talking to you," He says and I smile "I can't believe you guys are kicking now. I just wanted to let you guys know that me and your mom love you so so much,"
Hunter turned the tv back on as my mind goes to what we were gonna name them

"Babe we need to give them names," I said and he nods
"What were you thinking?" He asks and I smile
"Well I was thinking we could name our son Aidan Hunter Drakos," I said and he smiles "and for our little girl, we should name her after your mom."
"Elena are you sure?" He asks and I nod
"It's up to you if you think it's okay," I said and he smiles
"Julianne Annalise Drakos," He says and I smile as he uses my mom's name as her middle name.
"Perfect," I said as he pulls me closer to his body and I sighed in content.

I couldn't ask for a better family than the one I am in now and the two little members cooking up in my stomach.


Hey Everyone 👋🏼

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 Comment What ya are grateful for! Also don't forget to vote too!

Just a heads up this story is coming to an end when I reach chapter 30. I will be adding an epilogue. I will be editing this story, I probably won't be making any drastic changes but I will be cleaning up my grammar mistakes.

Elizabeth 💋

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