• Chapter 11 •

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It felt like the past few days were went by really fast and I don't know where it went.
I don't blame the data for going by fast cause I see that everyone I come to know and love are getting to know Hunter and starting to accept him and those who don't well it's not up to them.

Not many people were fans when I announced that the Pack was going to be joined together with Hunter's. Many were really upset and questioning my authority as Alpha. Some asked if it was the right move. I knew on the night I swore to make the right decisions by my Pack and I believe that it is the right move. People would just have to accept the reality.

It was late into the afternoon when Hunter said we have to get back to the Pack House so he could settle some things over there considering he has late night meetings with a few Alphas. I asked if I could tag along but he says that the Alphas he's meeting are a few old friends of his and they will be drinking and he doesn't want me to be around them if they get drunk.

"I can't believe you're leaving. You sure you won't stay?" My mum asks
"As much as I want to, I can't be away from this guy for that long," I said and she smiles
"Fine but I will be visiting dear," she says and I nod as I pack my last bag and Hunter takes it to the car while I give my parents one more hug.

"Take good care of my daughter, I know she can be a handful from time to time," my father stated and I blush
"Always am sir," Hunter replies as he shakes his hand and my mum hugs him again. "Good night Mr and Mrs Greyson,"
"Fare night," my mum shouts as we head to our car where Hunter opens my door for me and jogs over to his side.

Finally getting home, I couldn't help but  feel lighter now that I know my family knows where I'm at and that I'm safe.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked as soon as we stepped into the foyer and I could sense his smirk as he takes my jacket off of me.
"Well we could always have sex," he remarks and I scold him "just saying babe. We haven't had sex in a long ass time, maybe you should let me show you what you're missing."
"Your mouth could get you in trouble. Hell I was thinking about letting you get some but now with this whole cockiness going around, I think it's best that I wouldn't," I teased and just as he was about to say something even cockier, something- well more like someone caught my eye.

"Well hello babe." She says, she has little no blonde hair with hazel eyes and freckles. I couldn't help but feel jealous as she struts herself closer to Hunter and touches his arm while he stands there, fazed.
"Get your hand off my mate," I warned and she smiles "if you value your hand then you wouldn't be touching him,"
"It's cute how you think you could be intimidating. There's plenty of him to share," she teases "let me guess, not a big fan of sharing? Honey this boy has been with so many girls, he could never be with just  one girl,"
I was ready to rip every blonde strand off her head if it wasn't for Hunter holding me back.
"Natalia you will not speak to my mate like that." He warns her as she gasps as she looks at me
"No fucking way is she your mate! Hell shes not even your type!" Natalia shouts as I try to push forward towards her but Hunter wouldn't let me. "She looks like a 12 year old hag! I don't get why you waste your time on that thing when you could spend all your time with me!"
"Dax!" Hunter shouts and in comes Dax with Jess tailing him along with her mate. I wasn't gonna lie, what she said did hurt me.
She's right I may not be as beautiful to be with Hunter, hell I even wonder why he never rejected me.
"I'll deal with her later," Hunter says as he turns to face me but I hold my hand up and just left.

"Elena. Baby please open up." Hunter says from the other side of our door "I'm sorry,"
I have no reason to be upset with Hunter. I know what kind of lifestyle he had before me so she's not worth the time to start a fight over. I guess I'm just really upset with who I am or maybe more what I look like. Maybe I'm not good enough for him. Hell maybe one day he'll wake up and realize I'm not who he wants and then rejects me. I can't afford to lose him.

I felt his arms wrap around my body as he pulls me close to him then that's when I lose it. I start bawling like a big baby as I cry into his shoulder.
"Its okay baby. Just let it out," he coos as he rubs his hand along my arms "I am so sorry I let you walk into my miserable life. You deserve so much better than what I can offer you,"
"What?" I said as I pull back "Hunter I'm glad you're my mate. Hell I shouldn't be the one who deserves you.
"It's just when she said I wasn't the kind of girl you would look at twice well I kind of thought it was true. Even if we weren't mates, you would've never recognized me. I'm not a busty girl, I don't really have that hourglass shape. The way you look at me, I question it like I know I'm not ugly but I'm definitely not beautiful either." I said as I look around at anything but him. He sighs as he lifts my chin with his finger and makes me look at him.
"I don't care if you're beautiful or not. In my eyes Elena, it's not your beauty that caught my attention it was your personality. You have a heart of gold Elena; you care about everyone and you always put everyone's needs before yourself." He explains and I get tears "Elena it's one of the reasons why I love you. Everything you do, even if you can be a pain in the ass, I love everything the good the bad and the down right ugly."
"What if one day you wake up and realize I'm not the one you want?" I muttered and he sighs
"That's not true." He says and I shake my head "Ever since me and Natalia broke up, I swore to myself that I wouldn't love again. That I wouldn't put myself through that pain again but then you came along and I didn't want to love you but I did."
"You guys were a couple?" I asked and he nods as I sighed "course you were."
"I could have her leave." He says and I shake my head
"No she came here for a reason just hear her out," I said and he nods as he lays us both down.

"I love you," he says as he kisses my temple and then I could feel his hands caress my body as he places his lips against mine.
"What are you doing?" I breathed and he smirks as he hovers above me
"Showing you the love no man will ever get the chance to ever," he states and I blush as he rips my shirt and pants off leaving me in just my underwear and bra.
I could feel him leaving marks every part of my body as he moves from my neck to my shoulder to my boobs then to my stomach.
He has me arching my back closer to him and he smirks as I claw at his shirt, he obeys and strips out of everything giving me the perfect view of his sculpted body.

Soon everything in our bedroom went from silence to loud moans and a lot of love making as we show each other how much we mean to one another.

Hey Everyone!

I am bouncing with joy to see that my story has 1000 reads!!! That is so exciting for me and I am very grateful for you guys taking the time and read my story! Lots of love for everyone you guys are extremely the best ❤️

Elizabeth 💋

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