* Chapter 9 *

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Leilani POV

It's been a crazy month and I knew I had to take matters into my own hands so I called a meeting with my friends.

"What's up Leilani? Any news?" Jocelyn asks
"Yeah why'd you call us here?" Silver asks
"Look it's been a month and nobody has seen or heard about Elena and I'm worried," I said and let out a sigh "so I'm going to take matters into my own hands,"
"What do mean 'take matters in your hands'?" Scott asks
"I'm going to travel to every pack to see if she's hiding," I said and they all go off at me about how that's a terrible idea.
"You will get your ass executed Lei! Are you fucking kidding?" Silver shouts "this is the most ridiculous idea you have ever thought!"
"I would rather be doing something productive then sit on my ass wishing Elena would appear!" I shouted "at least I'm going to do something about this!"
"For all we know she could be dead!" She shouts "and then what use are you to the pack if you are dead huh? Elena wouldn't want you to do this!"
"I don't care. I'm doing this whether you approve or not," I said
"Whatever fine. Do whatever you want! I don't care!" She shouts as she storms out.
"I'm with her," Cassie agrees and I scoff "Elena wouldn't want you to risk your life for hers,"
"They're right you," Jocelyn states as they both leave and I'm left alone with the boys.
"Save it." I said as I let out a sigh "Matt you're officially in charge of this Pack until I come back"
"Excuse me what?" He says and I glared at him as I got up and put some action into my plan.


The first Pack house I decided to go scope out was the Drakos Pack. There's no way Elena could wander that far off into any other Pack and the Drakos Pack is somewhat close to our Pack.

I shifted back to my human form and changed into clothes when I was jumped from behind and was dragged to somewhere.

"What are you doing here?" The dude says and I recognize him as the Alpha's Beta. "I could have you killed right now but I'll leave that option for my Alpha."
"Dax you can't kill her," a short brown hair girl says from behind him and I recognized the male behind her, Alpha Ben Baker.
"Ben!" I squealed and Dax unexpectedly punches me
"Do not speak." He warns as the girl pushes him away and chastises him.  They left me alone, handcuffed to the chair in the living room.

I hear a car pull up and Dax disappears then reappears with the last person, who I deep down thought was dead.

"Leilani." She says and I had to shake my head to make sure she's real

Elena POV

"What- how the hell are you here?" I asked "and why are you handcuffed?"
My mind is racing, questioning why and how my Beta found me
"I caught her trespassing on Pack territory. She's lucky to be alive." Dax says and I glare at him
"He's right Elena." Hunter says "law is law, she must be executed."
"Then you're going to have to kill me too." I said "she's my Beta of my Pack, and if you kill her then you're going have to deal with me."
"Elena." Hunter warns and I glare at him
"Un-cuff her now." I warn and I could feel every nerve begging me to shift and rip things into pieces.
Hunter nods at Dax to do so and I noticed that she has a bruise on her jaw. "How'd you get bruised?"
"Oh so now you want to talk?" She hisses and I sighed as I beckoned her to my room.

After explaining everything to Leilani, I couldn't help but miss her badly along with my friends and family.
"So he's your mate? Like really your mate and you're not playing a game on me?" She asks and I nod "what I don't get is why didn't you call? Said something that you was okay? Everyone is worried about you Elena."
"You know damn well I would but I had no way because he wouldn't let me." I said and she sighs
"What? So basically he's keeping you as his prisoner?" She asks and I shake my head no "did you guys complete the bond?"
"Yeah we did," I said blushing and she squeals like a two year old.

There was a knock on the door and in walks Hunter and he looks like he's been sulking.
"Dinner is ready if you girls are hungry," he says shrugging as he leaves
"Damn I still can't believe he's your mate." Lei says "you have the one man who's a deadly killer as your mate and shit."
"He's not that bad, hell all those stories you heard about him, they're not all really true." I said defending my mate
"Look at you, defending him," she says and I blush "let's grab some food okay?"
I nod as we head downstairs to the kitchen.


"You sure you can't come back with me?" She asks and I nod as she sighs
"I'm sure Lei." I said as I embrace her into a hug
"What do I tell everyone back home?" She asks frowning "especially your parents and our friends,"
"You tell them that I'm okay and that I'm safe." I said pulling back from our hug "tell them that they don't need to look for me because I will be coming back soon."
"Okay but I will visit your ass." She says as we walk to the front door. She pulls me back into another bear hug before she leaves.
I won't lie when I say I rarely cry it's cause I rarely do and when I watch my best friend being escorted back to her territory by Dax.

I scurry back to my room where I see Hunter laying their half naked while reading a book.
"Hey," I said as he looks at me and sighs as I lay next to him. "Are we okay?"
"You tell me," he says putting the book down "you looked like you wanted to murder someone earlier,"
"I'm sorry." I said and now I feel really bad for my actions "I am sorry. But you know damn well you would've acted the same way if you knew someone had your Pack member hostage."
"You're right," he says "now bring your ass here."
Smirking as he pulls me closer to him and I let out a content sigh.

"When can I see my Pack?" I asked as soon as I get comfortable against his chest
"Soon," he says and I smile "on one condition though,"
"And that may be?" I said and I could feel him smirking
"You get marked," he says and I can't help but smile
"Okay," I said and he smiles as he hovers above me
"You sure?" He says and I nod as he kisses me hard on the lips and his hands are roaming my body as we roughly kiss each other. 
His mouth moves from mine to my jaw to under my jaw then to my neck as I moan his name while pulling at the nape of his hair.
I feel his teeth scrape against my neck and I moan as he bites into my neck. I'm not going to lie, it hurt a little but was replaced with pleasure and I moan as he keeps going.

Hunter's lips return back onto mine and I couldn't help but smile every time he tries to kiss me.
"I love you Elena," he says and I look at him with lust in my eyes as he smiles
"You do?" I said and he smiles as he says yes he does. Before I even know it, all our clothes are ripped and we are under the covers making sweet love again and again

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