• Chapter 16 •

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I keep getting dreams about that night from two weeks ago that I was being kidnapped again and again and again. Every night I get anxious about going to sleep unless Hunter has me wrapped close to his chest.

It was 6 in the morning when I woke up screaming and Hunter was no where to be seen. I knew I couldn't fall back to sleep so I just sighed and decided to take a shower.
After my long steamy shower, I slip on my robe and head to my bed where I see a rose petals in a shape of a heart with a note saying:

You didn't think I left you did you? Meet me at my special spot where i took you the first time you were here and wear something casually sexy

The note had me blushing and smiling as I head to my closet and picked out a halter top that is midriff on me with a pair of shorts and I put on a pair of fishnets with my favorite knee high boots. I also grabbed a light cardigan.

I wasted no time as I leave the house and headed towards the cliff.

As soon as I got there, I called out for Hunter but he was no where to be found. I get a little panicky until I spot a flashlight pointed at a note directed at the note pinned to the tree.

Now I know you want to hit me for making you come all this way baby but stick with me okay?
I want you to go to the place I took you out for what I call our first date

Now I don't want to punch him, I want to murder him. My feet are kind of aching and I can't shift cause I don't want to phase into my wolf form either.
Grumbling, I do as what the note says and head to my next destination.

Everything in Ollie's restaurant looked normal and all until I was approached by Ollie
"Hey gorgeous," He says and I smiled as he greets me in a hug
"You know if Hunter heard that he would've punched you," I said and he shrugs
"That's why I got you. He wouldn't hurt you if I used you as a shield," he says and I laughed
"Speaking of Hunter where is he? Is he here tonight?" I asked and by the look on his face I knew he wasn't. "I'm going to shoot him literally,"
"Get in line but he did stop by and told me to tell you this word for word, ready to hear it?" He asks and I nod as he smirks "My dear Elena as much love I could feel from you and how much you want to physically harm me but I have one last quest for you. Meet me under the tree where the stars never shined the brightest and you told me for the first time that you love me ."

My mind kicks into full gear as I think of the tree where the stars shines the brightest. We've been on so many dates before and then it hits me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked curiously and Hunter just laughs as he drags me blindfolded towards somewhere. "Hunter,"
"Don't worry we are almost there I promise," He says
"That's what you said 20 minutes ago!" I pointed out
"I did? Well wait no more cause we are here," he says as I remove the blindfold to see that he set up a picnic at a park. In that moment I knew I will always love Hunter for the good and the bad.
"I love you," I blurted and he halts as he turns around
"What did you say?" He asks and I blush "did you say you love me?"
"Hunter Drakos I am and will always be in love with you," I said and he smirks as he crashes his lips against mine

"That idiot. I swear if he's not there I'm gonna kill him when I do find him," I told Ollie and he laughs as he ushers me out and shouts at me to find my man.

My eyes start to water as I see lanterns guiding the way along with a note:

Follow the lights to the end

Shaking my head, I had a feeling that he wasn't gonna be here and it's another one of his games he's playing on me but I gotta keep going to see whether or not he'll see the next day.

As I got closer to the end, my knees felt weak as soon as I see Hunter with my Pack and his.
"What is all this?" I asked and they all smile strangely and I gave them weird looks
"Elena Rosalie Greyson I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were trouble from the start but that didn't stop me from loving the person you are today. I could go on about how amazing, caring and brave you are but we all know that." Has Hunter states as he pulls me to the center of the gazebo and he just talks and stares at me with love and lust "I know I've been a pain in your ass Elena but you love me for that. We've been through hell and back baby but we've stood by each other's sides through it all.
"Elena when I look at you, not only do I see is my mate but the woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with till the day I die." My eyes start to tear up as my mind goes to where I think he may be going "Elena I can't live another day without you in my life. I need you and you need me. Will you do me the honors and be my wife?"

I could feel the pressure as I stare around me. Of course this is what I always wanted, to be married to him. To be his wife and to one day bear his children.


Hey Everyone!!

Happy Friday the 13th 😈 one of my favorite day in my favorite month with my favorite holiday at the end of the month! Woo!

So I have some news to share, I will be posting my new story up tomorrow! Yay!

stay tuned,
Elizabeth 💋

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