• Chapter 7 •

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*** A/N: Fair warning this a R chapter ***


Hearing that my mate has a brother, that was executed because he trespassed on another pack's territory, makes me feel sad. Maybe the reason why everyone calls him this ruthless murderer is because of what happened to him personally and he takes it out on others.
I tried to talk to Hunter about his brother but he wouldn't open up or he would try to change the subject. Letting the subject go, I think it'd be best if I talk to Jess, maybe she'll let me know.


Today's been feeling like a lousy day, consisting of me and Jess to lay around and watch tv or play UNO.

"I have a question and I think it may hit home," I said and that catches Jess's attention
"Okay ask me," she says and I nod
"Was Hunter and Max twins?" I asked and she sucks in air. "Hunter told me about him last night at dinner,"
"Oh he's really opening up to you," she says and I nod "Max and Hunter they were twins, I mean fraternal twins. Hunter is obviously the older one by 5 minutes. Want to see a picture?"
"Sure," I said and she nods as she shows me a picture of Hunter, without a shirt on, carrying who I assume was Max on his back. The picture has me smiling to see how happy Hunter was. "Wow are you sure they're fraternal twins?"
"Everyone keeps saying that, they could pass for identical twins," she explains and sighs "Max was always the one to put Hunter in his place when he becomes an ass but since his death, Hunt hasn't been the same. That's why he's extremely overprotective,"
"Wow," I said "must be tough,"
"Does it ever get easy?" She remarks and I shrugged as the door opens and in walk the boys, looking upset about something. "Seems like something got his panties in a twist,"
"Think I should go see what's wrong?" I asked and she shrugs as I debate on the couch.

Before my mind catches up to my feet, they take me to Hunter's office where he's just looking at papers furiously. I don't know what's wrong with me but I find that pretty sexy for something. It's like all of a sudden I feel this strong attraction towards him.
"Hey you," I said as I try to get his attention but I get a mumble so I pull the papers away from him and greet him in a hug.
"Elena," he says and I smile "well seems like someone misses someone,"
"Hm," I murmured as I inhale his scent and he chuckles as he pulls me to sit on his lap "who put that ugly look on your face?"
"Just a lot of papers I need to get through," he said as he lets out a breath and then plays with a strand of my hair.
"Maybe you should take a break," I said and he sighs "wouldn't kill you know,"
Just as I was about to leave, he manages to grab my arm and pulls me to his chest.
"What did I do wrong now?" He says and I shake my head. I find it hard to be so upset with him when all I could think about his cologne and his facial features.
Somehow I ended up closer to his chest as he looks down at me with lust in his eyes and I couldn't help but stare back as he leans in to kiss me lightly on the lips.

"Elena," he moans and just like that my knees go weak as he kisses me again and he deepens the kiss as he swipes his tongue inside my mouth and I moaned as he kisses me again and again as my hands work on their own sliding against his body, touching every inch of skin and muscle. Before I knew it, he lifted me over his shoulder and was carrying me out the room.
Hunter then gently lays me on his bed as he locks his door then quickly returns to me by kissing me from my legs all the way up to my neck to my jawline to my cheek then finally my mouth.
My hands were picking at his shirt as he rips my shirt off and I pouted
"Don't worry I'll buy you new clothes," he says as he strips down to his boxers. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
Was I? "Yes I am," I said and he smiles as he sits me straddle his lap and he kisses me again as he unclasps my bra and his hands starts to massage my breasts and I moaned as he starts to suck on one as he massages the other.

I softly moan as he begins to kiss me along my body and back to my lips.
"Are you really sure you want to do this? I don't want you to regret doing this if you're not sure," he says and I could feel tears, knowing that he has this side of him that's so gentle and caring makes me think that people are wrong about him, he's not a killer.
"Hunter I'm 1000% sure I want to do this," I said and he smirks as his hand goes between my legs, kindly playing with my core as I softly moan, earning me a smack on the boob.

Hunter then starts to finger me with one finger and gradually fingers me with three fingers going faster and harder with every thrust. Just as I thought I was going to climax, I let out a soft whine as he smirks again, one of these days I'm going to wipe that smirk off his face.
"I'm not finish with you," he mutters in my ear as he positions himself between my legs and I wrapped them around his waist.
He then slowly pushes himself in me as gentle as he can.
"Tonight I'm going to show you how a real man should be making love to their Mate," he mutters hoarsely as he thrusts slowly forwards into me.
Hunter picks up the pace as he goes faster and harder, fucking me in ways I never thought was possible.

"Oh my God Hunter," I screamed and he smirks as he keeps going even faster this time. I keep chanting his name as he flips me over to my knees and hands. He thrusts himself back into me as he fucks me mercilessly, he occasionally smacks my ass from time to time and pulls my hair hard as he tries to faster and deeper.
As I chant his name to go faster, I could feel my walls tighten, knowing that I am close to reach my climax.
Hunter then rolls over to let me sit on top of him as motions my body to ride my orgasm out.
I fall to my side as he pulls me closer to him smiling and panting hard, just as I was and he kisses me before I succumbed into the oblivion.

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