• Chapter 10 •

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"Are the rumors true about your father?" Hunter asks and I looked at him strangely as it hits me, my dad has a reputation to being one of the scariest Alphas though he doesn't kill for fun and he treats his people the same.
"Scared to meet him?" I teased and he scoffs as I get dressed in a white dress with a brown belt then I slipped on a few jewelry. I brushed my knotty hair before slipping on a pair of brown wedges.
"Wow babe you look amazing," he says and I smile as he kisses me. "So fucking beautiful, maybe we should stay in bed... all day,"
"Tempting but we have plans today," I said as I help him pack a duffel bag of his clothes.
"Ugh why not push it tomorrow?" He questions as I arch a brow
"You said that yesterday so we are going today no exceptions," I said and he sighs
"Okay." He says and I smile as I kiss his cheek and finished putting on mascara.

On the drive to my Pack House, I could sense the tension in the air as we driver farther from his Pack and closer to mine. Hunter places his hand on my thigh as it becomes his habit whenever we go out.
"Nervous?" He asks and I shake my head
"Kidding me? I get to see my parents," I said and he pinches my cheek.
"Don't psych yourself out," he says and I nod as he pulls up in the driveway.

In the yard, I could see my friends staring at the black Audi as we sit inside looking at them.
"Ready?" He says and I nod as he gets out first and then jogs over to my side to open my door. I could hear them gasped as they see me.
"Elena?" Silver says as I give her my attention then my parents stepped out.
"My sweet daughter," my mum says as she beckons me to her. Hunter had to let me go as I embrace my mum in a hug along with my father.
I could feel the tears daring to spill as I hold my parents tight.
"I miss you so much honey. I knew you weren't dead," she says and I sighed
"Lets get inside. All of us," my dad says and we listened as we followed him to the living room. My friends jagged the couch as Hunter takes the other couch and I sit beside him.
"What the hell happened to you Elena? We thought you was dead," Silver says directly and I sighed
"The night we went out to the club, I was feeling suffocated so I told Leilani that I was gonna step out. When I finally felt like I could breathe, I was jumped by rogues." I explained "I was badly injured and Hunter was the one who found me. He brought me back to his pack and their healer fixed me and nursed me back to my strength."
"Why didn't you call?" She asks
"I was weak Silver, my body was working against me. It felt like I was aware but had no ability to move whatsoever," I said getting a little furious. "Besides when I did wake up, I saw my mate."
"Who?" My mum asks and I take a deep breath in and slowly let it out
"Hunter is my mate," I said and everyone broke out into commotion stating that I was lying or it's some kind of joke. "Enough. I will not hear any rude comments about my mate."
"Are you kidding me? He's a ruthless killer! How the fuck could he be your mate or capable of love?" Silver spits and I glared at her.
"Silver it would be wise for you to be quiet right about now." I warned as I could feel my wolf demanding to rage. She cowers as she backs down then Leilani steps in.
"Look guys you need to cut her slack. Elena has been through a lot we shouldn't be the ones to push her away." She says and I sighed as I touch her shoulder and she nods.
"Look I know I've been MIA the past month and I'm here now." I said "so that's why I think it's best if both are joined together as one."
"Excuse me?" Hunter speaks as he looks at me "we need to talk. Now."
I nod knowing that this will most likely probably turn into an argument.

My parents thought that everyone should take a break and go for a run or something before dinner starts to calm themselves down and process everything. I don't blame them as I lead Hunter to my old room. I let out a short gasped as I realized nothing has changed in here, everything is the same.
"I can't believe they kept everything the same," I murmured
"Maybe they believed that keeping everything the same is their way of coping that you weren't gone." He says and I nod.
"Please say something. Shout or scream, I feel like this is gonna turn into a fight so why not just get it over with." I said as I sit on the bed.
"I'm not going shout or fight you about this," he says as I look up at him "I actually think it's a good thing that we combine our packs together as one. I just wished I thought about it sooner."
"So you're not mad at me?" I asked and he shakes his head no
"Mad at you? Never. I rather do some kinky shit to you that will make you scream and holler," he smirks and I blush then the door to my room opens and in walks my baby brother, Mason.

"LeLe!" He shouts as he runs his toddler but over to me
"Hey Mason! I miss you baby!" I squealed as I picked up my brother
"Are you done with your vacation?" He asks and I could feel my heart tear.
"Almost baby," I said and he nods
"Who's this LeLe?" He asks and I smile
"Mason this is Hunter, he's my mate," I said and he tries to hide under my arm shouting scary man! Scary man! "No Mason he's not the scary man! He's really nice to LeLe,"
"Are you nice to my LeLe?" He asks Hunter and he nods
"Do you care if I hold you?" Hunter asks and Mason looks at me and I motion him to sit on Hunter's lap
"Can I call you Hunt?" He asks and my heart swells as the two boys I come to love are getting along.
"Of course if I get to call you Mas, it'll be our secret name that nobody can know deal?" Hunter says and Mason nods as he drags Hunter to play some agent game.

"Elena come help make dinner," my mum says entering my room and I nod as she tells the boys to continue the agent game in the living room. Knowing my mum, she just wants to take precautions cause of who she may think of Hunter and I get that considering it'll take time for them to open up to him.

"Do you like him?" Mum asks as I wash the carrots, tonight she's making chicken with brown rice with a side of vegetables. Yum. "I mean like, does he make you happy?"
"Yes I do mum," I said and she smile "he makes me happy even when I'm pissed at him."
"That's good to hear," she says and I sighed
"Mum he's not who we thought he was. Every story we heard about him, killing for fun that's just a myth." I said defending Hunter "he's really a good guy who just had a tough life, that's all."
"Okay, I'll try my best to get to know him and see why you like him so much,"
"I don't like him ma. I love him." I said and she smiles
"Good. I see that you guys completed the bond," she says and I blush, if only she knew how many times we've been doing it, I be dead. "Honey just be safe and always wrap it up. We don't want to make a grandma at a young age."
"Oh my god mum! No sex talk please! I dreaded once and that's enough!" I whined and she smirks as we bring out the food to the dining table and it was my job to set the plates.
Sure we don't have a fancy chef or a butler or a maid to set our plates and all that bull. We don't need that kind of extravagance to be happy. As long as we got each other then that's all that matters. Family is everything no matter what and I consider Hunter as family.


Dinner was a little awkward at first but my mum did manage to make it tolerable as she can.

"Look I know many of you guys don't like me, hell maybe you guys hate me. And I know nothing I say will change what you think of me but one thing I do know is that I could never hurt Elena. She means a lot to me and losing her would be dreadful." Hunter says "so could we please put differences aside and eat dinner that Mrs. Greyson has prepared for us."
"I'm sorry Elena if I acted out of line. I shouldn't have snapped at you about who your mate is." Silver says and I sighed "you deserve to be happy and if he makes you happy then so be it. Hunter if you hurt my Elena, I will personally make every bone hurt."
"Gotta love Silver for her directness," I said smiling "Silver I know this is a lot to handle but I appreciate your honesty,"
"Honesty is the best policy," she says smiling and I could feel like something lifted off my shoulders.

I couldn't help but smile as I see everyone try their best to get to know Hunter. Even if Silver was the one asking the most questions, I think they are cozying up to him.
"So how much of a pain in the ass is Elena?" Silver asks and I threw my napkin at her
"Oh I think you know how much she can be a pain in the ass," he remarks and I smack his arm as he laughs "she can be when she wants to but I think the stubbornness plays a part of the pain in the ass too,"
"Damn right!" Leilani joins and I scoff
"Really you too!" I squealed and they laugh as they continue to talk smack in a good teasing way.
"You know it's only out of love that we got to do this!" Jocelyn says and I shake my head
"You guys are ridiculous," I said laughing as I pushed my plate away.

"Lets go for a run!" Jackson suggests and I nod in agreement
"Sounds fun. Lets go," I said and everyone pushes their plates aside and headed towards the door.
"Elena you go ahead. I'm going to help your mum clean up," Hunter says and I look at him strangely
"You sure?" I asked and he nods
"Elena honey, whatever you do, don't let this one go. He's a catch," my mum says winking and I blush as my friends drag me outside.

Shifting back to our human forms, we sit on the edge of the cliff laying back and gazing at the stars as the cool summer breeze kicks in.
I let out a breath as I smile soon, this Pack and Hunter's will be as one and there's nothing that could make me happy than that.

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